Writing Prompt Au

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Title: Marco is Away part 2

Info:it's been a month or so and star and Marco catch up even a little bit of Janna as well

Word count: 672

Star pov
I've been doing a lot of work in keeping the kingdom at bay, but I couldn't really concentrate because I kept thinking what Marco could be doing? He's having the time of his life since he earned dimensional scissors from Heckapoo years ago,

"Star are you listening?" I look up at my mother who looks annoyed a bit "Yes mother, excuse me for a bit" I dashed off to my secret room where I chat with old friends from earth. I checked Marcos update to see if he's on

(MarcoDiaz_ nothing like diving into a new adventure..)

I smiled and see he's on right now

StarButterfly_ Hey!

MarcoDiaz_ Star! Hey how are you it's been what a month or so?

StarButterfly_ yeah, exactly and you still haven't came to visit me? *deletes me*

MarcoDiaz_ Oh I'm sorry, I've been busy I lost track of time maybe one of these days I could come and bring you on a little dimension hopping? :) how does that sound?

StarButterfly_ That sounds awesome! But you can't say stuff like that and then not follow through Diaz..

MarcoDiaz_ I promise you, cross my heart..on your birthday I'll be there for you in your room with my hand holding out for you to take..

I blushed at the thought of him being there taking me away from all of this just to spend time with him and just have old time fun..

StarButterfly_ I'll keep my word, you better keep yours mister

MarcoDiaz_ I will, I'll mark in on my phone as a reminder so I won't forget this time..

StarButterfly_ So hows the adventurer life?

MarcoDiaz_ Its great I've met so many different people and learned a couple new things..I even got little gifts from each place..how about you anything different from the last time we talked?

StarButterfly_ Finding a husband..and getting the kingdom back in shape or doing better I guess that's new..

MarcoDiaz_ *typing and deleting* oh that's cool, any good matches for the future king?

StarButterfly_ No, no one actually holds my interest which sucks because my parents expect me to find someone..

MarcoDiaz_ Oh..

StarButterfly_ yeah? Are you okay you just wrote 'Oh' like your upset or something

MarcoDiaz_ I'm kinda busy right now, talk to you later Star

StarButterfly_ Okay..wait are you still getting me on my birthday?

MarcoDiaz_ Yeah, I'm not going to forget it.. Bye Star take care

StarButterfly_ Okay, Bye Marco be safe

MarcoDiaz_ is Away

I sat there looking at the screen wondering if what he said was real because I really don't want to be let down again and be miserable for the rest of my days as I am queen

Janna01 has logged on

Janna01 Star! God your hard to reach, how's being queen?

StarButterfly_ Hey Janna, it's okay and sorry I'm always busy now don't really have time to be chatting..have you seen Marco lately?

Janna01 No. That dweeb has disappeared for months I even asked his parents and they haven't seen him since  you left 2 days before..I've been just sneaking around his room but it looks like nothing had been touched?

StarButterfly_ it's because he's travelling through dimensions and living life right now :/

Janna01 so he's the old you? That's so unlike Marco but it's his life..we should hang out one of these days, it's boring on earth with you :(

StarButterfly_ I know I'm bored over here too..oh this weekend I'll stop by earth and get you so we can hang around the kingdom :)

Janna01 Yes and we have our own adventures! I'm so pumped right now! Oh dang it's getting late I'll see you this weekend okay?

StarButterfly_Yeah definitely bye!

Janna01 Bye Star..

Janna01 is Away

I logged off and headed toward the throne room to see what else I can to..

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