WIP Writing Prompt

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Title: By Chance

Info: its just part of an old book I used to have but I never really liked how it was and it didn't get as many reads as I thought? So hope you enjoy it.. kinda short

Word count: 600

Sometimes I wonder what made this happen for us to be like this..I always thought it was luck but she says it's by chance? I never really understood the meaning until she looked through me like I was an open book..

her eyes like the crystal clear waters, her hair bright as the morning sun, her skin soft like a plush blanket..her features making her look unique no matter how much makeup she wears or the what she has..because I just saw her in another way..

As I move I look and see her laying next to me completely exposed her hair spread across her slender body and bed,  just enough to cover her, I pull on some sweats and walk towards my window and look out at the city as it's waking up..I look to my side and see her sleeping form as she breaths softly like she was happy and belonged here but she wasn't mine..

We Met months and months ago at a party I never really knew who she was or what she even did until she fell into my arms, the look in her eyes as I saw my future in them, our future I didn't want it to end but it shortly did when she let go and disappeared to never be seen again... that is until I found her.

As I move towards my bed and kiss the back of her shoulders she moves a bit and yawns while she opens one of her beautiful blue eyes..that feeling of her being happy and aroused by me made me fall for her even more "Good morning~"

she manages to say as I peck her plump lips tasting of honey which was sweet "Your busy today?" She groans softly and looks up at me and nods "I'm afraid so..I wish we can stay here forever" I chuckle softly and lay my head between her back and shoulder feeling her warmth as she wraps around me tightly, slightly giggling as well

"Why won't you just leave him?" Her smile fades and turns her head towards the window "He's someone I grew fond of years ago..I can't throw it all away..he'll ruin me if he found out about us" I kiss her neck and look down at her face which looked neutral, but lighting entering the bedroom made her look wonderful

"Don't you love me~" she looks at me with a smirk and brings my head so she could kiss me softly and slowly not wanting me to pull her for more "Of course I do..you just have to wait for me" she says so effortlessly "He's not the one for you...you know it when we met that night..it clicked, I won't be waiting for you forever you know?"

she moves her legs a bit as she smiles and moves off the bed getting dressed, as she is she looks at me with her eye filled with lust. She manages to always keep me to herself but I don't know how long this will take "We're meant to be" she sits by me and looks into my eyes and places a kiss on my lips. When she pulled away and held my face she held a small smile

"We were brought by chance~"


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