Crushes suck

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Marco Pov

I heard her running up the stairs crying her heart out because the guy she liked didn't return it back, I warned her plenty of times but she wouldn't listen, I finally told my crush I liked her and I earned a 'I only see you as a friend' speech I was broken and torn because the girl I liked didn't like me and now Star feels the same..I go upstairs to her door and slowly open it seeing her rip and tear every picture she had of him and still had tears running down making her lose her cool

"I hate him! He doesn't feel the same!" I sigh and go sit by her and she looks at me and I open my arms and she comes towards me and latches on and cries, I don't mind it makes me feel better she can get this out instead of keeping in and feeling horrible "He didn't like me back..Marco" she said shaking her head deeper in my hoodie and I looked at all the ripped pieces scattered all over the floor "Because he wasn't the one star, just like Jackie wasn't the one for me"

she wiped her face and sigh relaxing herself now "I guess we're not their type" she said holding her hand on her lap "Maybe we're different from them, we are more fun and exciting while they are cool and chill which is the polar opposite of us" star nods slowly while a smile appear on her cute puffy little face "Yeah, we're better then them! Cause we have an awesome time while they don't do squat nothing" I chuckled a bit "Yeah because we are awesome"

I said and she stood up with a burst of energy "Let's go have fun" I gave her a weird look "Fun? Where?" She came close to me where our nose touch and she giggles "Let's go do things to get our heads clear and out with this heart break! Come on Marco!" She pulled my arm and we ran in the backyard and she started making things up activities and such and when she finished she looked at me "Alright Marco time to have fun"

she pulled me and we got in the bouncy house and I couldn't really stay on long or I'll ruin it "Star can we try something not too bouncy?" She stops and nods and hops off "Okay..maybe we can go dimension hopping, that's usually fun for us" I nodded and she grabbed my arm and pushed me into the portal and we landed in the dance dimension from the last time we came with pony head "Let's party!" She screamed over the loud music, I watch her hit the dance floor and she's having the time of her life, she's acting like her bubbly self without feeling rejected from Oscar..

The beat picks up and I'm the only nerd standing around not doing a thing, if I want to forget about Jackie I better join my best friend "What are you waiting for?!" She yells as she twirls around and I smile and go closer and dance wildly with her and I actually am having a good time not one thought of my heart being torn and the way star looked under the neon lights made me feel something else, as the music slowed down which I thought I did I was in a trance with her and she was smirking which made me chuckle

"Now your free!" I nodded and we slowly move in closer and closer until our faces are almost touching "We're free" I say and I could see her chest rising pretty fast probably from all the dancing but it was a different kind of breathing..the one you do when something unexpected is gonna happen, we were inches away from kissing but I wasn't sure it was right at the moment "What are you waiting for" she said grabbing my hoodie and kissing me against the pillar and I pulled her more on me feeling every sensation in just one kiss as we broke free "Broken Who?"

We both said and began to laugh at how crazy this was and it was just for the fun of it, it didn't mean anything well I hoped it did unless she only did it to forget her crush just like me "Time to go.." I say and she nods as she opens to home she interlocks my hand with hers and gave me a smile of reassurance that everything is going to be okay now

When we stood in front of the house she still held on me, and her grip was getting tighter then before and when I look at her she has tears falling and her hair covering her face "Star?" I say standing in front of her "Why didn't he like me back? Am I too young? Am I not normal? Is he afraid of me?" She was a mess and I raised her chin "I know that he didn't deserve you, and he's just interested in his own life and nobody else's, and no your not normal and so what? Because your awesome and amazing to me, and that's something you should be happy about, I care about you star and I even knew he wasn't the one for Jackie wasn't the one for me"

I said while I sigh and star held my cheek "Star what ar-" she stopped me with a soft tender kiss and when she stopped she blushed "Thank you Marco..for always being there for me" I nod "Hey what can I say once a mess up twin always a mess up twin" she giggles and wraps her arms around my neck and holds tight and I held her back as well "We can still be friends if your okay with all this kissing stuff" I chuckled "We can be smooch buddies..only if your into it" she softy hit my chest "Marco.." "I'm kidding.."

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