magicians au 4

734 37 3

Title: Hangouts on the Weekends

Info: Basically the duo are hanging out at the mall and have fun?

Word count: 1543
Song: issues

Star pov
Marco was actually being nice to me, no one has actually cared what I was feeling until I broke down "Who is that boy?" I pop out of my thoughts as I look at mother "He's just my classmate, he walked me home since he lives a couple blocks away from me" she crosses her arms "I hope you don't fall for this boy"

I blush and shake my head "What?! That's crazy mother, he doesn't even like me like that! Also I have no intentions on dating such a guy like him" I say feeling a little guilty for trashing him "Good, you know what happened with Tom" God don't remind me "Mother, I assure you he's nothing like Tom, I have been training him and his abilities are way different from Tom's"

mother gave me a look "Different? How do?" I shrugged "His attacks are quite strong that it could damage someone really bad" even though I fought him in training I still took some of the damage "Interesting, what's his background?" I shake my head "What do you mean?" "Like what family is he part of or clan?" I shrugged my shoulders, I never asked because well I didn't care

"I don't know?" Mother sighs "What's his name? Do you know that?" I bit my lip before I spoke again "Marco Diaz" she smiles and disappears into her office and I stood there. Was it a good idea for her to know his name? Probably? As I make it towards my room I took out my homework and worked on it.

After an hour mother comes in scaring me a bit "His uncle has a clan, the blind dragons, he has a dojo for the members, they are allies for us" I nodded "Is that a bad thing?"

"No, but it could be seeing that his parents are pretty powerful as well but not quite as us" she continues rambling on until she leaves and I'm in silence. I got ready for bed and tried to sleep seeing it was gonna be a restless night.

Time skip~ weekend

I got dressed in my mint green dress and had my hair in a high ponytail with a read headband, and my black flats. This was simply just a hang out and not a date..obviously it isn't just us trying to be friends even though I shouldn't "Hey, you made it I thought you bail on me" he chuckles and I smile a bit

"No, I'm true to my what do we do?" "Check around and talk a bit, maybe go see a movie afterwards and eat too?" I blush, all this is sounding more like a date then a typical hangout "Marco this isn't a date right?"

He made a face and shook his head "No, no it's not I just want to have fun" he gave me a reassuring smile as we began window shopping in the crowded mall, I hate whenever it's crowded, people would just bump into you and no apologize afterwards "So, when's your birthday?" "Huh?"

I look to my side confused because I wasn't really listening to a word he said "I asked you when's your birthday and what's your favorite color" I blinked a couple times trying to register what he asked again "My birthday is Feburary 14, Love day from my country and Valentine's day here" he smiles "That's pretty neat, so do you get Valentine's gifts on your birthday?"

I shrugged "Sometimes, I don't really celebrate my birthday" he made a face which looked kinda cute but I adverted my eyes "That stinks, what's your favorite color?" "Yellow, if not then a light blue..I change my color depending how I feel"

he chuckles "My favorite color is red and plum because those colors suit me" I giggled "So a dark purple?" He nods "Yeah, where are you from?" I hoped he didn't ask but I did say country "I'm from Mewni, a small island that is hidden..I haven't been there since I was 12 but it's whatever"

he sighs and we kept walking until I saw the most beautiful dress "Wow how lovely" it was short dress with small jellyfish in the middle and had a star bag to go along with "I could buy it for you" I looked behind me "What?" "I could buy it for you"

"Marco, no you don't have to..your paying for the movie and to eat after" he held his hand up "Its okay, it's what a friend would do, now come on let's go try it on" I smiled as we entered the store. I quickly ran towards it and looked for my size as I grabbed it I went to try it on.

Marco waited for me outside since he couldn't really be inside the changing room "Wow" I whispered as I looked at myself, it fit me well and it's not too short "Let me see" I walked out where Marco was and a smile grew on his face "Wow, you look pretty"

I smiled and thanked him "Thanks, I actually love this..and it's super comfortable" I say as I'm swaying my hips "I can see, your really pretty when you smile" he said as he walked out and I stood there blushing and smiling at his comment.

After getting the dress and the assesories we walked towards the movies, it was 2:00 in the afternoon so the only movie that was playing was a comedy which I didn't mind, I laughed and enjoyed myself.

"That was really funny, that part he slipped and slide down the stairs had me in tears" I say giggling as I look at Marco he had that stupid grin of his again "What?" He chuckles "Why aren't you like this at school? Loud and fun?" I shake my head

"You know why, now come time to eat some food, this time I'll pay" he nods and we head towards a Chinese resturant, it's quite nice and very fancy. As we are we talked more and more, it was like I was opening up again to someone but I knew I had to stop sharing

"Star can I be real with you?" I looked up from my plate "Yeah?" "Today I had a blast, I never really expected this to happen" I raised a brow at him "What do you mean?" "I mean, I thought you were just going to be quiet and have snarky remarks towards my puns or jokes but you didn't"

I blushed a bit, thank god for the dim lighting "Well, do you want me to be that Star?" "No, I was just opened up to me and I got to know you well a little bit more" I giggled as I took a sip from my drink "Can I be real with you also?"

He nods as he wipes his face "I thought you would ditch me as soon as I got to the mall because of what I did to you, and also the way I treated you.." he shakes his head "Its my fault, I passed the limit and I kept asking personal questions I won't ask until you trust me more"

we stay silent until the bill came towards us "I'll pay" we both said reaching for the check "Sorry" I let go of his hand and sat there looking at him feeling embarrassed "Its fine, we can split it" I nod and pay my half and he pays his. It was getting dark and I knew I had to be home before midnight.

It was 11 now, didn't realize we took so long? "Thanks for walking me home, here" I took off the hoodie he handed me awhile back from the resturant "Its okay, it's just a reminder of our day together" we laugh a bit before I walk towards the door.

But before I do I run towards him and hug him "Thanks for today, see you at school" I quickly ran towards my house and closed the door holding onto the jacket. It smelled just like him.."There you are!" I jumped as mother scared me

"Where have you been?" "I was hanging with Marco, I told you this a couple days ago?" She squints her eyes and rolls her eyes "Okay..did you spend money?" She asked pointing at the shopping bag "Oh, no Marco actually bought it for me"

"I thought he was just a classmate?" "He is" "Do you like him more than that?" "Of course not! We're not into each other" she gives me a look of worry "Alright, don't let that boy spend money on you thinking he has a chance with you"

I rolled my eyes and head towards my room "Whatever mother, I'm going to bed" as I hung up my new outfit I didn't feel  my skin feel warm or burn like it usually did. That night I actually had a full nights rest and I was pleased but then again..a bit concerned.

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