Marco's Dreams

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Star Pov
I was lying around my room and noticed Marco left which is weird cause he sometimes waits until I sleep before he leaves, I get up and go to his door and open slowly and I see him snoring and have the laser puppies around him,

so cute I close the door and went back to my room he's tired from just trying to keep me out of trouble..who can blame him I just wonder what goes in his mind?

As I jump on my bed glossaryck comes out "I hear a distressed princess calling me" I roll my eyes and move on my stomach "What's the matter?" I groan "I want to know what Marco dreams about"

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As I jump on my bed glossaryck comes out "I hear a distressed princess calling me" I roll my eyes and move on my stomach "What's the matter?" I groan "I want to know what Marco dreams about"

I say muffled on my bed "What? I can't hear you" I sit up "I said I want to know what goes on in Marcos dreams" he chuckles "I heard you the first time, I just wanted to hear you say it again"

he snapped his fingers and I was in a dark room or something "What or where are we?" He laughs "Isn't it obvious, we're in Marcos get out you need to find what you desire, bye princess"

he starts to disappear and I freak out "Glossaryck! Come back!" I run and I end up in a memory, it's Marco but younger probably around 12,

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he starts to disappear and I freak out "Glossaryck! Come back!" I run and I end up in a memory, it's Marco but younger probably around 12,

I see him watching Jackie from far, he was really obsessed with her 'This is your chance Marco, just go up to her and say hey, and then she'll like you' I giggle and smiled, he was so cute wonder what else he has going on 'I guess this is it..' 'I guess it is..' that was my voice I watched as I was leaving to mewni

'Going to miss you Star, please take care' I watched how dream me came closer and attacked him with a tight embrace and tears falling 'Oh Marco

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'Going to miss you Star, please take care' I watched how dream me came closer and attacked him with a tight embrace and tears falling 'Oh Marco..I don't want to go' I kinda started to tear up 'I know you don't but you have no choice..just promise me we'll be best friends forever okay?' 'Forever' he kissed dream me cheek and she left into the portal and Marco fell to the ground and began to cry

'I miss you Star' I wipe a tear from my face and move away from the heart wrenching scene and it's Marco staring at me in a reflection 'I'm not her hero, I'm her friend, but I want to protect her that's what friends do, but she doesn't want that, what do I do?' He slammed his head on the mirror and it shatters and the glass is on the floor and it starts to create something and it turned into me, okay this is weird

'I miss you Star' I wipe a tear from my face and move away from the heart wrenching scene and it's Marco staring at me in a reflection 'I'm not her hero, I'm her friend, but I want to protect her that's what friends do, but she doesn't want that, ...

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'I don't need a hero! I need a friend' she kept repeating it and he covered my mouth and I shut 'I know, that's what I am, just a friend to you nothing more..' he blushed and let go of my mouth and me melted away leaving him alone

I back up and bump into someone "Star?! What are you doing in my dream?" I giggled "Well glossaryck wanted to play a game and put me inside your head..I can't leave until I find my desire and I have no idea what?" He sighs "How are you going to find your desire in my head, this is my head not yours"

I nod and just figured it out, I pulled Marco close to me "Star! Why are we so close?!" I blush and went for it, our lips met and I lost myself with him and he did too as he wrapped his arms around my waist 'You found your desire' I heard as I woke up in my bed alone "Did I just dream all that?"

As I went to Marcos door I knocked and he opened it and he looked a little freaked out "Star! Oh um what's up?" He had a light blush come across his face and I smirked "Did you by any chance have a dream about me?" He nods " that weird?" I nod "Nothing's weird when your with me"

he chuckles and relaxes "Okay but it felt so that kiss you gave me..sorry if I keep saying it.." I blush and bite my bottom lip "It's okay..can I give you a hug" he looked at me odd for the weird question "Sure, you know you don't have to ask"

can I give you a hug" he looked at me odd for the weird question "Sure, you know you don't have to ask"

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I ran into him and held tight, just seeing him cry when I'm gone hurts broke me for even seeing it "Star you okay, your hugging pretty tight" I loosen my grip and look up at him "Just had a bad dream that I hope doesn't happen any time soon" he smiles

"Okay..well night Star sleep well" I nod and kiss his cheek "Night Marco, sleep tight" as I closed my door and hold my desire was to kiss him..I'm such a girl..

-ω- I did another one of a dream but this time about Marcos dreams and Star invading it, oh glossaryck why won't you let the lovebirds be? Hope you like it and it's not long I'm sorry busy and stuff 😏 bye guys

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