Different Life

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Hello everyone...since I told you I'll be posting on Monday's and Friday's I wanted to a good sport and post something for you, even though I posted yesterday oops..😂 but whatever I'll post randomly lol my mind is filled with school and writing ugh but here it is lol

Star Pov
I lay on the couch laying my legs on Marcos lap and yawn "Tired?" I nod "Yeah..a little bit" he chuckles and moves and gets up "Time for bed" I groan and laugh "carry me" I say and he rolls his eyes "Alright, come on" he picked me up and carried me up the stairs bridal style and made it to my room "Good night Star" I pulled his hoodie "What?" "I want a good night hug" he chuckles and hugs me and I hold tight "There, sleep tight Star" I smile

"Night Marco" as he left I just thought, what if I never met Marco? Will he still be in my life but in a different timeline? Will I even notice him? Will he still be my best friend? I shake the thoughts and went to sleep, I know that wouldn't happen...
(Dream reality)

"So can you have someone show her around" my parents talked to the principal and I played with all the best little things he had around "I'll get one of my students" he grasped something and spoke to it "Can Janna please come to the main office, Janna please come to the office" that sounded like a girls name?

As I walked out with the principal I saw the girl with short black hair and wore a rather cute outfit, it suited her quite well actually "Janna this is Star butterfly, just show her around while I go deposit this..be kind" she winks at him and he leaves "Hey there, so where your from?"

I smiled "I'm from Mewni, I'm a magical princess" she scoffs "Sure you are..let's go" she began walking and talking about things but I barely heard a thing until I heard someone calling her

"Janna give me my house keys" she chuckled and pulled out keys? How did she do that? "You should be more careful when your around me" he looked annoyed and took the keys and looks at me "Oh, new student nice to meet you, Marco Diaz" as I was going to shake Janna pushed me

"She doesn't need to a goody two shoes, she looks more wild and rebellious type, right princess" I nod and laughed "Yeah totally! Bye Marco!" I waved and he rolled his eyes and left, as we reached the front of the school Janna ended the tour "So, that's all I got so I'm going home..what are you going to do?"

I really didn't know "Um, I'm not sure can I live with you?" She smiles and nods "Sure, we got a spare room in our house and my mom wouldn't mind" I hugged her and she pushed off "A hugger..I don't do hugs but let's go" I followed behind and I saw that Marco kid again walking the other direction

"So that Marco guy? Why did you take his keys?" She laughs "It's a game I play with him, he might not know this but I think it's pretty funny and cute when he gets all worked up when he can't find his things" I giggle

"So you like him?" She blushed and crosses her arms "No..I don't know, let's change the subject..what makes you so magical?" I pulled out my wand and made a cloud with a happy face "Whoa that's pretty cool" I clap my hands together and on further we've became best of friends..

After months of adventures Janna looked bored or tired of hanging and stuff "Hey what's wrong?" "Nothing princess, just tired that's all" I sigh and I see the Marco kid looking at Jackie, it's pretty funny he has a crush on her and won't approach her

"You go on I'll be there" Janna nods and I walk towards Marco "Hey there" he jumped a bit and sigh "Hey Star..where's Janna?" I sigh and point at the direction she left "Um..beats me she does things sometimes without me" he chuckles "So what are you doing with me? I'm a boring person to hang with" I shake my head "You don't seem boring, how did you get that scar on your cheek?" He chuckles and looks at me

"Well, I take karate so I get hurt sometimes" that seemed not boring "That's not boring, that's pretty cool..and FYI you should just go up to her and say hi, I think that's how it works..I gotta go bye Marco" he blushed a bit and waved "Bye Star" I smiled and looked at Jackie "Hey Star" "Hey Jackie, have a nice day"

she smiles and walks off and I catch up with Janna "So..you just gonna go talk to Marco without me?" I looked at her confused "Why was I supposed to tell you? I can have more friends? Are you mad at me?" She groans and walks off "Don't talk to me" I stand there and hold my wand, maybe I should find someone else..

After months pass by Janna and I drifted apart and she only wanted me for my magic.. I decide to find a new home, I really belong with Janna...as I looked around I found Marco "Hey Marco!" He smiles and looked at me "Hey Star, you look tired what's wrong?"

I sigh "I've been looking for somewhere to stay but nobody wants me" he smiles and holds my shoulder "Well you can live with me and my family, you don't really seem bad" I jumped into his arms "Thank you!" He hugged back, this took me by surprised..Janna never liked hugs "No problem..what's wrong?"

He noticed I had tears "Well, no one has really gave me a real hug before" "What not even your best friend?" I wouldn't call Janna a best friend "Well..she doesn't like my hugs" he smiles and hugs me again "Well a hug is special to share with someone, to make them feel better or to feel wanted" I giggled "Thank you"

I woke up with sun shining in my face and I smile as I make it to the bathroom Marco was brushing his teeth and I hugged him from behind "Morning Star..you okay?" I nod and held tighter "Yeah..perfect" he chuckles and turns around "You look happy" I nod "I had a dream if we never were friends..even though I finally met you at the end of my dream, you were so nice and caring even if you barely knew me" he gives a smile "Well, I'm glad you came into my life, you made it a bit more exciting, if you didn't..I'll be lonely and with Alfonso and Ferguson" we laugh and hug him once again "I'm glad you accepted me into your life" he laughs and smiles "No problem.."

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