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Marco Pov
I was doing homework when I star was singing across the hall,she had this habit of singing with her door open whenever we came home from school, it just became normal to her,sometimes I enjoy her songs, they are different but enjoyable, she has a beautiful singing voice, sometimes I ask her if she is interested in chorus but she just says no and moves on with her life, guess she's not into singing in front of people she doesn't know even thought she's the friendliest person you'll ever meet

Sometimes I just want to go in and watch her sing and see her in her natural state instead of her crazy and outgoing persona..I stop doing my homework and walk towards her room and she's on her bed with one of the puppies 'I'm a fool for love...I just can't get enough...I'm a fool for loving you..' she smiles and gets up and I hide and walks to her mirror and she notices me "Marco! Were you spying on me?" I shake my head "No, well um yes and no? I don't know I was just liking your singing, why don't you sing for people?" She shrugs "My voice is a weapon, have you ever heard of a siren?" I nodded "Like the ones on cars and stuff?" "No,The ones mermaid sang to kill sailors and eat them" that kinda scared me "What?! Does your voice kill people?" She shakes her head "No, not that I know of?" I sigh and look at her "Well you have a pretty singing voice, but if you say it's a weapon then you should just sing to yourself" she nods "Thanks Marco, I'm not that good of a singer, my mom is, like wow she's the one that taught me how to,but she said its a blessing and a curse so I sing when I'm alone, but you shouldn't hear me sing because something will happen to you Marco and I care about you" I nod "Okay I'll stop hearing you sing, but it's hard you sing well" she blushed and pushes me out her room "Thanks again but no more, I mean it" as she slammed the door and I went to bed and thought of what she said..

Star Pov
I have to stop singing don't want Marco to get hurt or even feel anything for me, yeah that's not what or want for him to like me, yes I like him if you didn't notice and if he keeps hearing me sing he's going to fall for me the worst way and not the normal way "Why is this hard, I need sleep" I get into bed and fall asleep or try...but no luck so I sing the song my mother taught me 'shimmer gleam light, star is so bright, no more care to watch, love the ones you got, let the past behind, move on to time, sleep tight.." I stop and my door opens and it's Marco walking towards me "Uh Marco what are you doing?" He smiled and comes closer and crawls on my bed almost close to my face "You have a beautiful voice, please keep singing" I blush at how close we are and he's breathing on me "Marco! Move away, I don't want you to be close!" I push him but he's so strong and grabs my wrist "Star, kiss me.." "Say what now?!" "Kiss me" he's inches away and I move my face away and mouth but he has me tied down and I try pushing him but he doesn't budge "Marco Diaz! Get off me!" I yell and his lips are hovering over mine "Why would I do that? Your perfect for me" "No I'm not its just a song, just let go of me and I'll sing you one to bed" he chuckles "Nice try, I want a kiss so don't move so much" I turn my face and he's trying to kiss me "Marco I didn't want to kiss you like this!" He backed up and looked at me "What?" I face him and he let's go of my wrist "Marco..I like you okay, but I know how much you like Jackie so I just kept to myself, I didn't realize my singing got you so distracted from Jackie that you want me now and that's not what I wanted to happen" he moved off and sat there looking calm and sad almost "Star..Jackie?"

I sit up and play with my fingers "Sorry, and I guess I mess things up" he looked around "How did I get in your room?" "What? Did you hear what I said?" He shakes his head "No, all I remember was falling asleep and in my dream I was following a beautiful sound and it lead me to a cave with a beautiful girl, she had blonde hair with a crown and blue eyes, I don't know but she stopped and refused to kiss me" I blushed because that just happened "So you didn't hear anything before that?" He shakes his head "Nope, why was it something important?" I shake my head quickly "No! Nothing at all!" He raised an eyebrow and got off my bed "Well I'm going to my room..night star" "Night Marco" he closed my door and I sigh and hold myself, that felt so weird, but yet satisfying I liked how he was on me and trying to kiss me but that's not the way I wanted it, maybe in the future..night wild man

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