WP #19

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Title: He's Gone

Info: this was requested from my friends at school..my nerd squad lol  he wanted me to do this he helped me with the plot so..Marco and Star are 17 years old as they are driving they get into a car accident..will everything be okay?

Word count: 1579
Song: Say something- a big world

Everything seemed to go well and I never thought I could lose someone by this? He was kind and generous he wasn't even mean to anyone else he was being bothered..he didn't deserve this at all and I let him die in my hands..watching his once warm brown eyes as it left its shine and replaced with gray the hoodie that was perfectly knitted tattered up with cuts and blood oozing out..I held him tight hoping he'll live but I know there's no second chances in life unless you made a deal with son of hell..

1 hour before the accident~

I bounced on marcos bed wanting him to wake up we we can head to the mall he promised me a new dress and a handband so I can wear something rather then my old red devil horns "Marco! Marco! Marco Diaz!"

He was laying on his chest and I could only see the side of his face as I noticed how short on his back was rised up a bit I smirked and put my cold hands on him and he started moving me off his back

"Cut it out Star! Your hands are freezing!" I laughed as he finally got off and I was looking at him as he readjusted himself "Come in Marco you said we were going to the mall for new clothes? You can't break a promise I take promises really seriously"

I say inching closer to his face the look in his eyes always seemed to get me in a trance that I lose focus at times "But star it's like 7 in the morning" I giggled and pulled my compact out "Nope..it's Noon buddy, where were you put last night?"

He groans and raised his head while he gave me a look "Fighting monsters with you..how aren't you tired?" I shrugged "Beats me..can we go please your mom said we need to go cause there's a dinner party happening today?"

He stares at me and plops into his pillow "Oh..that dinner party...fine give me 5 minutes" I giggled and hugged him and he chuckles lightly "Oh star.." I walked out his room and waited downstairs in the living room..

After waiting Marco was his red hoodie that lost its bright red and now turning a darker red his black jeans and and his brown converse and his hair in a messy kinda way like he didn't care "Ready?"

I nodded and we walked to his black jeep he gotten from his parents in his 16th  birthday, very lucky to have them "So after mall we go get ice cream and then head home to the dinner party...got it?" I nodded and turned on the radio

"Yeah I got it..Marco! It's our song!" He chuckles as he pulls out the driveway and we head out we sing along to the song and I heard a beeping sound "I forgot the gas..guess we're making a stop, stay right here"

I nodded and kept looking around I saw other people putting something inside the car "Here star.." I look at my window and see him give me gum "Thanks Marco" he nods and does the same "What are you doing?" He looks and laughs a bit

"Putting gas into the car, it makes it go..if we don't then we will be stuck on the road" I leaned on the window as I watched him as he finished he told me to sit back down "Now off to the mall" I scream in happiness and Marco just shakes his head "I'll never understand you Star" "Good..so how are you and Jackie?"

Marco shrugs like he doesn't know "Well?" "I know I saved her in our freshman year and all but since then this relationship feels more like a friendship..I don't know how to explain it" I nod and stay silent I've been so jealous of Jackie because she had Marco

but now hearing this make me wonder if I should've listened to Janna and her advice that my time will come...whatever that meant? "Star you okay?" I nodded "Yeah..that kinda stinks huh?" He chuckles "It's alright I've been through worse..let's move on okay?" I nodded and smiled at him I slowly interlock my hand with his "Star?"

"Don't Marco I feel safer in your hands" he chuckles and nods "Alright star" as he gets to a light we wait and I had a weird feeling in my stomach that I let go of Marco "Star? Are you alright?" I nodded and noticed the light green "Yeah go on Marco" he looked worried as he started to drive I saw another coming our way "MARCO!"

I looked around and saw everything look blurry I upside down with the seat belt holding me I look and see Marco outside the car face on the pavement "MARCO! NO..MARCO!" I scream and get myself out of the car and crawl towards him..

i was in tears as I pulled him on my lap and arms "Star...?" I nodded "Yes I'm here Marco stay awake okay please stay awake please!" He coughed and I saw his hoodie all cut up and blood seeping through his face was bruised and cut, I held his face close to mines

"Marco please stay strong.." he was barely there as I look around I see the person who crashed us a man probably in his 20s  "Man I'm sorry" I glared at him even though he had cuts on his face and his arm looked out of place

"I don't like you.." I said softly and looked down at Marco who looked still I moved him a bit "Marco? Marco?! MARCO!" I shook him and checked his heart and I cried into his chest like a part of me just died and it hurt so bad

"Please tell me this isn't real.." say I held his cheek and looked down at his lifeless eyes looking at me "Marco...I love you" I kissed his cheek and held tight "I never told you because you always wanted to be with Jackie.." as I look at my hand I see a red string and it's attached to his..

I lower Marco in my lap and look around everyone seemed to disappear and I was in darkness with the string letting it be lit "You have a chance to go back and stop this from happening so you wish to proceed?" A voice said as I looked around I saw a woman dressed in red and have hearts on her dress "Who are you?"

I say a little weak "I'm the blood moon..do you wish to go back from this happening?" I stood up and nodded quickly "Yes..I want my best friend back..I want Marco back..I miss him" she giggles and walks towards us she grabbed the string and touched it and a flash emerged..

"Star? You okay?" I look at where we are and we are at the light "Yeah..but don't move the car" I say and Marco looks at me weird and rather odd "Why the light is green?"

As I was going to say something we witness the car crash "That's why.." Marco looked at me "Did you see something?" I nodded and had tears running down my face "You saved us didn't you" I nodded

"Oh Star" he pulled into a hug and I cried I could've lost the love of my life because of a random stranger "Can we get ice cream?" I asked he nods and makes a turn and we arrive there safely and we eat in silence "Was it a bad accident?" I nodded

"I lost you Marco..and I didn't even tell you how I felt" he sighs and grabs my free hand "Well I'm still here..because you saved me..I care about you Star and remember when we were 14?" I nodded "Your the the coolest girl I know..only you nobody else" I blushed a bit

"Marco...I love you" I say looking at our hands and I hold tighter "I love you too star" I look up at him and he gave me a smile and he was leaning as he did he took a lick of my ice cream "Hey! You tricked me" he laughs "Yeah.." he leans in and kisses me and I laugh and push his chest "Your such a tease"

"Oh yeah..ready for the dinner party?" I nodded as he drove home we got ready as I finished I saw her as I turn she smiled at me "Your here?" She nods and hugs me "I will always be around you just won't see me..take care" she disappears and Marco knocks

"Come in" as I turn I was embraced and spun around "Whoa what's going on?" He chuckles and brings me closer to him "I never asked you out properly..Star would you like to go on a date with me?" I nodded and brought his face into a another kiss..thanks you..

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