~♡ Mated? ♡~

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Hey guys its me Ash 😊 so as promised I finished another part of the Princess and wolf and I gotta say it was fun writing it lol next part will be something around fluff into smut? But I'm still debating cause I still have to write about the mate stuff 😐 we'll see anyways hope you enjoy this part and let me know how I did and the magician Au is up later today or tomorrow depending what part of the world you guys live in..

Word count: 2024
Song: weak when you're around-Blackbear

Star Pov
I stood there receiving my punishments from my parents as my thoughts ran towards Marco. I’ve never been so hot and bothered about a guy before. He was different from guys I’ve seen or heard of

“Star! Are you listening?! You're not allowed to go in those woods again! What if you come out worse then you are now?! We don’t want to lose you darling” mother said as she held my face and looked at my neck and ran her gloved fingers over my cut.

“Go wash up” I nodded and made my way towards my bedroom and took a bath, as I stood bare in the master bath I looked at my body and saw small bruises from Marco.

My waist had a few and in a odd shape, I blush at the thought that I almost let it out of hand. I shouldn’t be acting or doing this because I’m a princess and I need to find a royal, not a random person who I’m starting to fall for.

As I walked out the bathroom I placed my teal robe over my body and lay on my bed running my fingers over my lip. I could almost still feel his lips on mine and his hands holding me closer, the way he groaned and pant when I pulled his hair.

God what has become of me? Now I’m not allowed to see him, yet I’m not the type of princess to listen. I smiled as I looked at the bracelet, it was precious and that I'll cherish it for always.

It was harder than I thought when I tried to escape, my guards were one step ahead of me and knew what I was up to. It has been weeks and I couldn’t be with Marco, at this rate he will forget about me and move on.

It wasn’t fair! I wanted to see Marco and these idiots are keeping me away from him, I shared my first kiss with him. I wonder what else I could share. I sat on my balcony that faced towards the woods.

It mocked me, seeing everyone else going into the woods but I couldn’t even go anymore. My bruises were starting to disappear and I whimpered at thought of never receiving them again. “Marco.” I whispered as I looked out towards the woods

“Bed, princess star” I scoff as Adrian opened my door “In a few” I managed to say before he left my room. I looked below and saw the guards move more into the gardens and I smirked.

I dressed up as casual as can be and wore my cloak, I’m going to see Marco if it’s the last thing I do. I put my pillows in my bed to pretend I’m asleep and blew out the candles as I escaped from the balcony and ran between the bushes and hedges to get to the woods.

I made it and hid behind a tree breathing heavily as I look around, Marco must be out somewhere? I grabbed a thick branch just in case it’s not Marco. I walk deeper and I hear growling and I freeze because Marco usually howls when I’m near.

I held the branch as I waited for the beast, I saw eyes glowing as it approached closer. My heart was racing as it manages to back me up to a tree. I closed my eyes as I heard a scoff and I opened my eyes to meet with a girl.

She looked at me long and hard and even pulled my arm and leg, hair and checked my face “What does he see in you?” She spoke as I was confused “Who?” She glared at me and her eyes changed to a boiling red

“Marco!” She growled and walked around me. “You're covered in his scent, I’m surprised he hasn't marked you” I blushed because I have no idea how she knows me or Marco “Who are you?”

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