The Cheerleader

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A/n hello everyone been awhile since I updated a one shot lol this was requested from tumblr lol I'm on there guys so ask me questions or whatever

Info: Marco is a Track Star, always winning in  first never the less.. when his best friend joins the cheerleaders. Marco starts getting distracted by his beautiful friend Star. What happens when another track star makes his move on his best friend?

Word count:1368
Song: cheerleader

Marco pov
The rush was everthing I liked and nothing could compare to it. Every event is like a piece a cake when your focused on one thing, the prize. Of course I have my parents and some friends supporting me but they won't always be there for me when I'm far away. As i jog into the track I noticed new cheerleaders?

I quickly went to check it out with a buddy of mine on the team. As we got there I saw the leaders Brittany and chantelle reading down a list "Alright! Get into line and follow what she's doing!" As we looked she smiles and tried to flirt with my buddy Brandon "Hey Brandon, I didn't see you there so..track huh?"

I rolled my eyes and saw the new girls, as I looked I see my best friend, I smiled a bit as I watched her she was doing really well and to be honest I didn't really expect her to be so good, she's usually really clumsy "Awesome girls you did well"

as they rested more of my teammates started to show and I had to head back but not before I was pulled "Hey! I thought I recognized you!" She wraps her arms around me and hugs tight and I return it back "Yeah, you did awesome, hope you get picked so you can support me or whatever?"

I blushed a bit, not even knowing why? "Of course I'll be cheering you on..are you okay? You seem a little red?" "Its hot out" she nods and giggles "Diaz! Let's go!" I look and see coach calling and waved at star "See you after practice" she nods and waves

"Dude, she's so hot" I rolled my eyes at couple guys who saw me with Star, she was gorgeous but she's not an easy girl like other guys say. She's caring and sweet and deserves a gentleman not a boy "Dude that's my best friend, chill and beside she's into brains" everyone laughed or jokes around while I looked back. Maybe I might kinda like her after all?

After beating Kyle and Jason countless of time, I left and noticed star waiting near the gate "I thought you left?" "Well what kind of bff would I be?" I chuckled as she wrapped around my waist and put my arm around her shoulder "Dude you smell"

star said as she pushes me to the side "Well I did run in the sun for did you get in the cheer squad?" She nods "Yeah! I'll get my uniform tomorrow..I'm an official cheerleader!" We both chuckled as we got to the gym area "Hey let me grab my things quick"

she nods and I run quickly and grabbed my things, I rather take a nice refreshing shower home than here with immature guys. As i came out I see Christian chatting it up Star who was giggling and blushing at whatever he was saying "You know I'll like to take you out sometime?"

I cut in before she answered "Can't she's busy, bye Chris" I pulled her hand to the parking lot to where my car was "Marco?! What are you doing?" "Protecting your innocence" she blushed as I unlocked my car and put my things in the back seat

"Oh" was all she managed to say "Christian is the type of guy who uses girls for pleasure and your not that type of girl Star" she's quiet and I'm afraid to look at her as I sigh I felt a small kiss on my cheek "Thanks for warning me" I looked at her and smiled

"No problem" star transferred a year ago in our sophmore year, she was the new girl and everyone wanted her even the older senior boys, I was lucky to protect her from them, since I knew what kind of jerks they are and I just became her best friend or mostly her body guard?

As the days counted down it was the pregame for the track indoor and outdoor, I was outdoor as we gather I see star, I hung my mouth open as I saw her..she was stunning and by the looks of it the guys were staring as well which annoyed me

She was tying her hair up as her uniform shirt raised up a bit, I blushed and knocked some guys to quit hollering at her, that was gross and disrespectful to her or any girl for that matter "Come on guys cut it out" "why? She's your girlfriend?" M...

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She was tying her hair up as her uniform shirt raised up a bit, I blushed and knocked some guys to quit hollering at her, that was gross and disrespectful to her or any girl for that matter "Come on guys cut it out" "why? She's your girlfriend?" My face reddens and I shake off the blush

"No, she's a girl you should be respecting..she can kick your butt" they laughed but I'm being serious, I take karate on the weekends and I've brought her to watch but she ended up taking it with me and she's pretty good "Sure Diaz, whatever you say?"

After the pregame we won barely, Alex wasn't on his A game and it threw everyone off because he always came in 2nd never in 4th! And being the Captian for JV  it was really bothering me "What happened?" "I'm tired..That's What happened move diaz" he pushed me aside and I glared at him and coach asked if I'm alright "Diaz?" "I'm fine coach"

as I ran I kept my focus as I was close when I heard my name and I lost focus and tried regaining my spot in 1st  as I did I won and I was panting hard, as i stand up I'm tackled with an embrace by Star "Marco! You almost didn't make it" I nodded, that wasn't like me at all "I know..I'll see you after okay?" She nods and kissed my cheek before she left, I smiled and walked back to the group

"You almost it there Marco!" "Well I came in first didn't I? Beside he should be more worried since he came in 4th place" we all started yelling  at each other until coach stopped us "Enough! You guys are teammates not enemeies now act like one!"

We all stayed silent as we left to go change I see star at the gate with her bubbly smile but it wasn't enough "Hey, you okay?" She asks as we walk towards the locker rooms "I'll be fine, here go wait in my car I don't want to deal with anyone right now" she nods and runs off and I get changed.

"Guys this isn't us.." our Captian said as we stopped and listened to him "We're better then that? We had a slip up its okay, but that's not what we stand for okay? Next game we foucus and be a team" we nodded and continued on as I get outside I see star sitting on top of the hood of the car "What are you doing?"

"Waiting for you" I chuckled and she slid down as I helped her "Marco, I really want to ask you someyhing" I tilt my head and nod "Yeah Star?" She blush a bit and avoided looking at me "Star?" She bit her bottom lip as she looked at me with her sapphire orbs "You ok-"

I was thrown off by her lips on mine, I dropped my things and kissed back, pulling her closer to me as I held her face "I really like you, and I wanted to ask you on a date?" I smiled and pulled her closer "I would love that"

she smiles and I lean down for another affectionate kiss which made some people beep their horns "I'm glad I met you when I first came here" I lay my head between her neck and shoulder smelling her vanilla perfume "Me too"

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