Magicain Au 8

705 36 3

Title: She's way too much

Info: Star has been acting a little off and Marco gets into a fight with Tom..what happens?

Word count: 948

Marco Pov
After that little bonding moment we shared I felt like star and I were getting closer at a very quick pace. Like I don't mind it but I could feel her radiating off me whenever I'm near someone she knows or I she's jealous or something "Star I gotta ask you something.." she looks at me as she sets up training bots

"Yeah? What's wrong?" She said without any emotion, is she mad? Did I do something wrong? "Are you feeling okay? I know you like me and all but do you think your radiating off a little too much power? Like we aren't aren't even a thing and all I did was kiss your cheek since then? So.."

she looked so empty and she lowered her head and I knew I messed up pretty bad "I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like tha-!" She cut me off with a rough kiss and I blushed as she moved away

"I'm sorry..I gotta go" she let go of my uniform and took off in lightning speed just like Tom "Star! Wait!" As I ran into the hallway she was gone as I turned i was face to face with Tom and I backed up "Um hey" he groans and throws me inside the room and I land with a thud

"Don't hey me! What did you do to my lovely Starship?!" I quickly scrambled off my feet to be prepared if he attacked again..comparing his shoves from star..he was pretty weak well who really knows "I did nothing! She's acting weird and she just kissed me! I was just trying to understand what's going on!"

I saw fire in his eyes as he grabbed a handful of my uniform "What! She kissed you and you let her! What's the matter with you weed!? That's against violation on school showing affections towards another on school grounds! Where did she take off?!" I shrugged but I pushed him off of me

"I had enough of people like you thinking their better than anyone else here! Just cause your strong doesn't mean star will come back to you..she needs someone who isn't filled with dark magic..your filled with it I could see it radiate from you..dude move on" he growls and hits me with dark magic and I fall to the ground clutching my stomach as I could feel every inch of pain

"I'm not evil! Star will be with me again! Not with some low life who things having a calm center will keep her flash she's not even human she's a hybrid! Just like me!"

I began coughing and I could taste some blood in my mouth as I looked up at his disgusting grin "People like you should always stay away from us..we have tempers that no one will understand" he grabbed a fist full of my hair and made me look at him

"I thought you were training? You couldn't even beat me in this petty little fight how are you going to survive out in the real world?" As I saw his fist coming I closed my eyes for the impact but it never came. As i looked Star was holding his fist and she was shaking along with him, matching his power

"Starship?" Her face was dark and you see the green magic radiate from her entire body "You..are..dead" she said as she pulled him from me and flipped him towards the ground. She pulled his arm back causing him to yelp in pain and scream

"Let me go! Your hurting me! Stop! I don't want to hurt you!" Star didn't even look like herself until she let go and Tom stood up holding his shoulder and ran off "I'm not done with him! Just keep your eyes open can always protect him forever!"

I shook my head as I held my stomach and saw star fall to the ground as she was weak losing all her power..was she burning out? I quickly crawled towards her as I heard her crying. I moved her hair away as she saw my bloodly face "I'm sorry..I'm so sorry Marco" she wrapped herself around my neck and let her cry..her skin was cold and wasn't as warm as it was before.

As she pulled away she held my face and kissed my cuts and bruises and I felt a little sting. As she finished I felt completely better, did she use a healing spell? Or was this naturally from her since she's a hybrid "Hybrid?" She looked terrified at that word and she nods

"Yeah..guess Tom told you" I nodded "It doesn't change on how I feel for you okay? Your still the cool loving star I know.." I smirked and she smiles "We need you to train more..I don't think my magic will hold against him longer.." wait was Star burning out? She's been through so much I'm sure that has to be "Your burning out aren't you?" She stays silent

"Its just have to take it easy" she nods as she looks as me I pull her face and place a gentle kiss and her face is a flush pink "Maybe it's best if I stick by you...but no affection on school grounds" she rolls her eyes "I hate that rule..but okay"

A/n sorry for the long wait but hope you enjoy.. also i made a number mistake this is actually 8 not 9 so lol sorry

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