My Feelings

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Hey guys I know it's been like ages since I made a one shot and I finally decided to make one and I want to thank for some of your for giving me characters for my Infected book which has hit 1K reads already which is wow.. also I just made a new Steven Universe book of a mermaid au so if you like go check that out for me..Also I'm thinking of making an miraculous au with Starco? I don't know that's in draft for now, anyways now back to this part..
Star Pov
The sound of birds chirping, the wind blowing making my hair move over my light blue eyes, watching as the scene in front of me changing before me but one this still hasn't changed.."Come on Star, we're going to be late for the show" I smile looking up at my wonderful best friend, as his hair sway along with the wind and his shine as the sun reflects his light brown eyes

"You gotta help me stand up" I say lifting my arms for him to take and his chuckle send butterflies in my stomach "Alright..let's go" pulled me up to where our faces were inches away from each other, a light blush came across my face and he smiles at me "Are you feeling warm?" He asked noticing my red cheeks "No, I'm okay maybe a little hot" he nods and I realized he still held on my hands and I blushed even more "Let's go see the show..right it's pretty hot out here!"

I say letting go of his hand "Okay..right" as we entered the house I sat down on the couch while Marco got the snacks and changed to our favorite Show as he sat down the show began..I couldn't really focus on the show because all I was looking at was Marco, now that I spent a year with him I get butterflies in my stomach and I get sweaty palms and my heart skips a beat but I know deep down he'll never like me like the way I do about him

"Wasn't the episode good?" I pop out of my trance when he spoke and I shake my head "What? Oh I spaced out on the last part" he tilted his head and looked at me odd "Star are you alright? You don't seem alright" I nervously giggled and stood up quickly before he could touch my shoulder "I'm fine Marco, I'm super cool"

I say twirling my messy hair "Alright I'm gonna go to the store and buy a slushy, wanna come along?" I nodded "Yeah..that sounds good right now" we start walking and the sun is setting down as we get there the cashier looks at us and I wave "Hey you still owe me money from a week ago for the slushy" Marco looked at me and I smirked

"Well..Marco I need money for it" he sighs and we get our slushy and he pays the guy for our drinks and from last week "Have a whatever.." he said and I rolled my eyes and me and Marco sat on the curb drinking in silence "You know Star, I might be oblivious to your actions but I'm pretty sure you have a tiny crush on me" I choked on the freezy drink "Say what now?!"

He chuckles and gives me a smirk "Star, be honest with like me" my cheeks feel hot and my heart is racing like mad "I..uh.." I was freaking out and didn't want to look at him or I'll make a bigger fool of myself "Star?" I look at him and it seemed he got closer and I move back and fall on the ground "Ouch, I gotta go!"

I quickly got up and ran back home and when I reached my bedroom I quickly hid under my sheets and held myself, I knew he wasn't going to like me back I'm so dumb he's so not into me, we're just best friends nothing more, as I felt my eyes prick with warm tears I heard a knock and I knew it was Marco, he always knocks whenever I'm upset or something

"Star, can I come in?" I didn't answer "Please Star, I wanna talk about this" he sounded hurt almost, did I get him upset or sad when I ran away? I quickly get off my bed and head towards my door and open to be faced with my crush, my best friend, my other half, Marco

"Can we talk?" He asked and I stepped aside for him to enter as I closed the door shut I was trapped in a tight embrace and I was surprised but held back and smiled "You left before I could even explain to you" as we break the hug he held his arm "explain what? That you don't feel the same, I understand Marco" he grabbed my arms scaring me a bit "No Star, I was going to say..I like you too, like in kinda way"

I couldn't believe it, he liked me too, was I dreaming or something because this didn't feel real "I'm not dreaming right?" He smiles "No, your not this is real" a smile slowly appeared on my face "So that means.." I pulled Marcos hoodie and kissed him I could feel him wrap his arms around my waist and I slowly pull away

"Star..this might sound crazy but maybe you'll like to go.." "I would love to go on a date with you" he smiled and he pulled me closer to him making my heart skip a beat "This is great, is it bad that I still want to kiss you?" I giggled and poked his his nose making him chuckle

"No, cause I really want to  kiss you too" I slowly pull his face and kiss him while giggling "What a way to end the night don't you think?" He said raising his eyebrow and smirking and I push him "Shut up, it's bed time!" I started pushing him out and he grabbed the door

"Your gonna kick me out? I thought you liked me?" "I do, but I'm tired goodnight Marco see you tomorrow for our date, bye love you" I slammed the door and hear a sigh an a slight chuckle "I love you too Star" I smile and lay against the door and feel my lips, still feeling his touch "Wild man.."

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