She's the key

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A/n letting you guys know the story is all out of place and it's a dream inside a dream. Also Marco is just dreaming what could've happened if she stayed together..

Marco pov
I stood there waiting for her to come down the isle. I finally mustered up to prosposing and actually getting married to her. I felt my heart race when I saw her coming down with a bright smile. Her face flushed slightly and her eyes shining so brightly as she approached me. She was flawless and everything seem to fade as she reached out for me..

"Marco take my hand!"

In a flash she was above me holding out her hand with tears in her eyes. I look under me seeing the flames and broken down place, I started to panic as I looked up at her blue orbs

"Star! Don't let me to!"

She was crying trying to pull me up and try not to let go but I was slipping and my heart dropped when our fingers slipped


I fell into the destruction see Star falling towards me grabbing me and holding tight

"I'll never let go!"

I smiled as we disappeared into thin air and I woke up in a bedroom in mewni. As i run my hands through my hair I felt soft hands move up my back towards my shoulders "Hey..bad dream?" I look to see my beautiful wife and her beautiful pregnancy belly "Yeah bad dream..I love you"

she giggles and kisses me "I know, I love you too" as she lay down I lay beside her and ran my fingers over her belly making her smile "Soon we'll meet our bundle of joy" star smiles and holds my hand "I know I can't wait..Marco was the dream about the time I almost lost you?"

I stayed silent and star moved my head up to look at her "Marco?" "'s the 6th time this month..the dream seems so vivid" star sighs "We were 18 and I was lucky my wings grew out and I protected us..but we will never be in that situation again"

I smiled as she held a smile "You promise?" "I promise" I leaned in and kisses her as I pulled away I was back in the chaos and I was beaten up with cuts and bruises as I turn I see a dark figure as it approached me..I try and move away but I could barely move as I closed my eyes I was back in my bed.

I was sweating and breathing heavily as I take a deep breath I felt a warm hand run up my back and on my shoulder "Bad dream?" As I look its star and she looked younger " I'm so confused?" She tilted her head as she looked at me "What? About?" I looked down at her stomach which was flat

"your pregnant" she rolls her eyes "Marco were 18 and we haven't really done it so? I can't be pregnant? What's wrong?" I shake  my head because I'm so lost and as she kisses me I'm back at the altar holding her hand in my own.

"Marco? This is the part you say 'I do' remember?"

I stared at her ring and at her beautiful face and I don't know what's real or fake and it's driving me insane! I let go of her a little confused

"Marco? You don't want to marry me?"

She had tears in her eyes as I stepped back and I didn't know what to do? Was this some sick dream that I can't escape or is this my mind telling me I'm insane and I finally lost it!

As i screamed and I was in my bed and this time I ran out of my room and went towards stars old bedroom as I entered the hole was still there and things looked dull as I fell to the ground and started to cry.

I was alone and she wasn't around anymore, and all the dreams were things I wish would happen but it's not real. I held myself looking out seeing the city and I wondered where she went? I need to know I can't be acting like this no..not anymore.

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