Star Vlogs!

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A/n hello so I've been getting inspired with starco and Vlogs, so I decided to do one with Stars Pov and see how it goes and I'm having fun with it and I hope you guys do too..ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ

Star Pov
"Welcome back to my I knew how some of you asked why I was in the bathroom with Marco, that's simple if you go back to my old video I told you that I was going against this village blah blah and yeah, I feel better knowing he's there you know, okay" I looked at camera and looked to see Marco was doing something and I found him him the kitchen

"Hey bestie! Guess what I'm doing?" He took a bite of his sandwich and looked at the camera "another vlog, Star I'm not comfortable when you make those, last time you almost got me naked and the world almost saw it" I lowered the camera where it just laying on the counter Abbi walked near Marco

"Oh come on Marco, nobody is going to see anything because your fully clothed, with your red hoodie that you wear all the time..maybe we should do a challenge or something?" "No, I'm good with challenges" I pout as I looked at him "Marco..please we can ask people which challenge we should do" I winked at the camera and Marco looked uneasy

"I'm pretty sure the people want us to something romantic which I'm not up for" he grabbed the camera that was facing him and me "When this video uploads I don't want to see anything dealing with romantic stuff.. here Star I'm gonna go practice karate" I took the camera and watched him go "Marco! Your a bummer!" *yells in the distance* "I know!"

I giggle a bit and go upstairs and I see Marcos door open "can I watch on your bed?" He nods "go for it" I sat the camera on his dresser and I sat by it and watch Marco practice as he finished I took the camera and leave "Where you going?" I shrug and giggle "Doing something.." I looked down at the camera "Marco likes to drink a special juice when he's done working out so I'm gonna switch it with another one, well my favorite one, so hold on"

I quickly hurry and set his drink down and he shows up with a towel around his neck "What are you doing? Why are you smiling so much?" I shrug "No reason at all, just made got your drink you always get" I handed it to him and he looks at me weird "Okay..this better not poison me" "Marco I wouldn't poison you how dare you say such a thing?' He started drinking it and as he finished he made a weird face

"Tastes a little funny but still good, well I'm going upstairs and please stop recording..I don't want people knowing what we do?" I sigh and shut off the camera, as I did I went to my room and pulled out Marcos laptop and uploaded the video of today's events, as I edit it a bit I noticed I saw I video I've never seen, as I pull it up to watch it was Marco just talking, I went to my second floor and started listening to it..

'I hate doing these things but I have no one else to say it to, here goes nothing..I read something I wasn't supposed to read, I could've stopped but I wanted to keep going but as I did my face felt warm and my heart was beating a little faster then usual, maybe it's because I might actually have that feeling towards them but I'm not sure anymore because I don't want to ruin anything..maybe I should just keep it to myself for now and see where it goes..alright later'

The video stopped and I held my chest as I felt my heart race a bit and my cheeks turn pink, Marco might actually like me back..and he doesn't want to ruin it..before I upload the video I get the camera and go straight to Marcos room where he's doing homework "Star, I thought I told you to stop?"

I kissed his cheek and he blushed red and put his head down "I know but I needed an ending to it, and that wraps up my video today, Stay awesome my Unicorns!" I stopped recording and looked back and saw Marco blushing and have his head down with his hoodie up "Marco, are you okay?" He groans "Yeah..peachy"

I patted his back "Sorry, if I passed the limit" he raised his head and looked right at me "It's fine, it wasn't anything romantic cause I'm pretty sure friends kiss cheek when they really care" I nodded "Of course, and I know how you like Jackie so I won't ruin that for you.." he stood up and hugged me "Thanks Star" as he let go he placed a kiss on my cheek, as I left I blushed and went towards the laptop and finish the video..

The next day I got on and checked and saw tons of comments and views like I always do and one comment stood out which was from Marco (RealMarcoDaiz_14 I had a feeling you saw the video on the camera, but next time just tell me okay :-P) I giggled and scrolled down the comments and saw challenges and cute little comments

(StarcoLife12 it's confirmed they are for real! If they fight like a married couple and then kiss like that then it's true..anyone else? #Starco

@starcolife12 It doesn't confirm nothing, maybe that kiss at the end was just to apologize for something she did, even though I ship the two, I still think they need time..

LessHeart456_ I thought this was adorable and I wouldn't mind seeing them do the pocky challenge (///▽///) or maybe the chapstick one too!

DiazRox_ Yeah..I would love to watch that but I'm pretty sure Marco said in the beginning he didn't want to do any of that..but we can all hope right?

I just laughed and blushed when I didn't know some of the challenges, Abbi looked one of them up I blushed a bit and took it off, I'm not sure I'll be game for any of it even Marco wouldn't do it well the taste one we can do or baby food one also, I'll ask Marco first before doing another one.

I just laughed and blushed when I didn't know some of the challenges, Abbi looked one of them up I blushed a bit and took it off, I'm not sure I'll be game for any of it even Marco wouldn't do it well the taste one we can do or baby food one also,...

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