Happily Ever After

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Walking through these empty halls, my footfall echoing with every step. Daylight slips away outside, and I'm just thinking, feeling blessed. Hey, those would make pretty good lyrics. Grabbing my notebook, I scribble down the lines before they can fly away. When I'm not designing or daydreaming, I write music. Sometimes. It's not very good, but just another way to be creative. 

But yeah. Feeling blessed. First of all, because Chloe was away today. Something to do with someone sneezing on her yesterday. Second, because there's been no akuma attacks the WHOLE WEEK. Third, I got partnered up with Adrien (*dreamy sigh*) for a project, which just so happened to be writing a song! Of course, I smiled politely, but I was internally screaming. I'm supposed to be meeting him here tomorrow, but I thought I'd practice and gather some inspiration. From my echoing footsteps to the bright afternoon light cutting through glass to the grand piano shining to the side of the stage in the hall. Hmm... 

I walk up to it, leaving my bag and purse at my feet. Tikki peaks out of the purse and watches curiously as I seat myself at the piano. Staring at the ivory and ebony keys for a moment, staring at the shockingly contrasting black and white. Like Yin and Yang. Thinking of the old Chinese philosophy, an image of myself as Ladybug and Chat Noir comes into mind. It's true, we couldn't be more dissimilar but we fit together perfectly.

My train of thought swiftly moves around, so quick I can't catch onto individual thoughts. Idly, my fingers start to press a tune I know and memorised. Closing my eyes and letting the music flow, I open my mouth to sing a soft song.

It's a song about longing, about love, about loneliness, and I've always loved the rise and fall of the notes.

My voice fades out with the end of the song. I smile to myself as I let my hands rest on the keys. Tikki grins up at me and claps her tiny hands together until I hear a much louder clapping from behind me.

"Marinette, I didn't know you could sing that well! That was beautiful!" I hear a familiar male voice. Turning around, my eyes widen and my cheeks flush.

"A-Adrien? H-how long have you been l-listening?" I stutter over my words, trying not to completely make a fool of myself. I honestly can't help my stuttering around him, he just makes me so nervous and I melt and he's just so perfect...

"-and you hadn't noticed me so I just watched. Honestly, why didn't you tell me you could play piano and sing? I mean, it's great for this assignment." I snap back to reality and blush profusely.

"O-oh y-yeah, I, uh, write songs too, heh, crazy right?" I mumble, flicking through my notebook casually. Or, I hope casually. I land on one pretty song I wrote last month. I take a breath and glance up at Adrien's striking emerald green eyes. He's come a lot closer.

"Wanna hear one of my songs?" I ask nervously, but managing to not stutter. Yeah, go Marinette!

"Sure." He sits down on the stool next to me. My heart rate spikes significantly, so I take another breath to calm down before being the soft song.

"Will you, stay with me, for one last day, so I can keep my tears away. For one last day, just stay nearby, and tomorrow I'll say goodbye.

"Once upon a time, I believed in fairy tales, dreamt of a shining knight, who saved her without fail. Once upon a time, I laid eyes on a prince, dreamt of him through the night, dreamt of a true love's kiss.

"But I stopped believing in fairy tales, the happily ever after too good to handle. So make me happy once more, can this princess have one last request?

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