Babysitting and dancing

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Got this idea off another one-shot book, I'll look them up and credit them at the end, and they did it SO WELL it was so cute now I want to one!!!

"MANON, PLEASE!" Marinette shrieked at the devilish girl who was about to knock over her mother's vase. Quickly leaping over the couch to grab it, she set it back on the small table. Sighing, the blunette ran a hand through her hair, which was very disheveled at this point, and glanced at the clock. 3 more hours. She suppressed a groan. Why couldn't she ever say no?

Looking out the window for a second, her eyes met with the park and she had an idea. The park will use up her energy. Grabbing her brush and quickly fixing her hair, Marinette called for the girl.

"Manon! We're going to the park, okay?" 

Manon appeared in front of her, pouting slightly. "Is your boyfriend going to be there again?" 

Marinette immediately blushed bright red, remembering Adrien the last time she went with Manon. Quickly shaking her head, she picks up the child and places her on her shoulders.

"No, and Adrien's not my boyfriend." Marinette gently walks downstairs, outside, to the park, quietly listening to Manon point out things like butterflies and giggling whenever she said 'Bye bye little butterfly!' Maybe she should treat Manon to a visit from Ladybug... As they reach the park, Marinette swings Manon off her shoulders and immediately the little girl ran towards the swings.

"Mari! Come push me!" she demanded, and Marinette gave a little giggle before running up and pushing her. She pushed her higher and higher before running in front, and Manon jumped off into Marinette's ready arms. The past year of being Ladybug has greatly improved her strength, agility, flexibility and accuracy. Laughing, the blunette put the little girl down.

"Manon, do you want an ice-cream?" 

Grinning ear to ear, Manon nodded and grabbed Marinette's hand, dragging her to the ice-cream stand that stood to the far side of the park.

As Marinette was preoccupied, she didn't notice Adrien walking through the park to see the two girls having fun. He smiled, watching Marinette and Manon, glad to have come to the park now during his time off. He always enjoyed watching his classmate from afar, when she wasn't awkward or shy, as she reminded him of Ladybug except... more human. He would like to be friends with the girl who was like a human version of the angel he saw as Ladybug.

Marinette bought Manon a strawberry ice-cream and got herself mint-choc-chip. Licking the cold treats, they meandered through the park, pointing out birds and butterflies. Manon did an adorable imitation of a butterfly, to which Marinette was delighted to join her in running around the trees chasing the white winged creatures. Adrien laughed quietly, still watching the two who looked so much like mother and daughter he almost longed to be part of it. No, he did long to be part of it. But sadly, Marinette would not be herself around him, and he didn't want to ruin the time for the child.

Marinette looked up to see an assortment of instruments next to the fountain being played in a joyous tune. Manon giggled and pulled Marinette towards them before grabbing both her hands and spinning around. Marinette laughed loudly, and although Manon let her go, continued to spin gracefully and dance. More and more people joined the fray, clapping in time, as Manon ran over to the blond boy.

Adrien was surprised to say the least when she reached him. And was more shocked at what she called him.

"Hey, Marinette's boyfriend, come dance with me!" She pulled at his hand, and letting out a deep chuckle, he stood up and let himself be pulled by Manon to where Marinette was now dancing beautifully in the centre of a circle. Her shyness was gone, and the moment she saw Adrien, her classmate and long crush, her nervousness was eradicated by the infectious music and she pulled him and Manon into the dance.

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