Okay Part 2

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TO APOLOGISE FOR THE HEARTBREAKING PART 1 I HAVE MADE PART 2 EXTRA FLUFFY. BE HAPPY AND PLEASE DON'T KILL ME. Also, if you haven't noticed, every odd paragraph is Marinette and every even is Adrien. So it goes Mari, Adrien, Mari, Adrien, and the speech should be self-explanatory.

She sat behind him, as always, but something was different. For once, she wasn't daydreaming about him, nor was she wondering how he could possibly be Chat. No, today she stared absently at Ms. Bustier while she taught the class about energy. Today she tried to forget his heartbroken gaze, and his melancholy smile, all the while trying to fix her shattered heart, piece by piece.

He sat nervously, all too aware of the girl behind him. Always just behind him. How could he have been so blind? How could he have missed his chance again? He really was an unlucky black cat. After all, he let her go when he should've run after her. He let her go again, and he was all the more broken because of it.

Her best friend glanced worriedly at her periodically, but she had said she was just tired and stressed, to not worry about her. She was used to taking care of herself, and now she had the relentless care of Tikki as well. Tearing down every picture of him didn't help her find closure either, she just sat in the middle of all the papers, a quietly sobbing mess. Not even his desperate glances would help, they were the last thing she needed. She needed space, and tears, and quiet.

He knew she needed space, and he was willing to give it, but how long would she need it? How long was he supposed to keel himself away from her? He wanted to hold her, to kiss her, to help fix her so badly. Yet she kept turning away, and it was nigh on impossible to contain himself any longer. It didn't help that Nino had noticed he wasn't a hundred percent and kept asking questions. It would make him wince at how badly he handled that situation a week ago.

She knew he was waiting, and that helped. She would confront him about his true feelings later, when she was strong enough to take rejection. Was one week enough? Was she strong enough? She didn't know, but she does know his patience as well as that of Tikki were growing thin. He waited for her to tell all, her kwami waited for her to turn back into Ladybug and return to her responsibilities. Thank goodness there were no akuma attacks that week, her balance with her partner would've been all off. With this new thought, she grew horrified. What had she done? She'd selfishly abandoned her duties as Ladybug in order to heal herself! People's lives could be in danger, while she was wallowing in self pity? That settles it. She needed to talk to him today.

He watched every day as she ran from the classroom, avoiding him once again. But today was once again, different. She stayed behind, and grabbed his wrist, telling him silently to stay behind with her. He grew excited, was she finally ready? Would she accept his love, without a doubt? 

"I'm... sorry. I've been selfish. I've been neglecting my duties as Ladybug and putting everyone at risk. I don't know if I'm... okay, yet but... I need to sort this out. Now."

She nervously watched his face, watching the glimmer of hope in his emerald eyes flicker. Biting her lip, she wondered if she waited too long and lost him forever. Honestly, with him talking to Chloe and asking the blond girl to leave her alone, she's had more than enough time. Maybe she's been putting it off because she's still afraid. Why was she still afraid? Was she still afraid that he loved Ladybug, not Marinette? Was she afraid that he would use her identity and her feelings for him to his advantage? No. Putting these thoughts aside, she took a breath. She needed to trust him. He was her partner. She needed to trust him, because without that trust, what good were they?

"Marinette, I don't blame you. I reacted badly, and you clearly needed someone... and that someone wasn't me. I promised I'd wait for you, even if you didn't hear it and I did. I will always wait for you, Princess. M'lady. Bugaboo. Marinette. I will wait for you to be okay, because I love you and I need you to be okay in order to be okay myself."

He nervously watched her face, watching the glimmer of something unrecognisable in her sapphire eyes grow. He wondered if he said too much, put too much pressure on  her. He didn't want to do that, that was never his intention, he only wanted to tell her the truth because this was a decision she needed to make on her own and he didn't want to make her feel pressured to pick him and oh god what if she hated him now and he screwed up and she never spoke to him again and... she hugged him. All this was going through his head in a panicked whirlwind, and she hugged him. Not that he was complaining. He silently wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer and resting his head in the crook of her neck.

"Oh god, Adrien, you have no idea how scared I was... So scared I would be alone and that you'd abandon me..."

Her voice was shaking and tears spilled from her eyes onto his shirt. His firm grip on her only made her eyes water more, as she was desperate for this to be real. Let her have some good luck for once, let her finally let Ladybug bleed into her normal life for once, please.

"'It doesn't matter who's under that mask, I love her, this girl.' That was a vow, and I was so scared I was breaking it when I started to notice how this girl would stutter and how her kindness radiated through and how her happiness affected everyone around her and her cute freckles and adorable smile and her endearing clumsiness. Now I know that vow didn't break, and I am so relieved that the two girls I fell for are one. Marinette, whether you are you or Ladybug, I don't care. I love you."

He lifted his head to stare into her eyes. Her bluebell eyes that would drown him in their depths before he would ever look away. Her bluebell eyes that were filled with desperation and total and utter...

"I love you too."


He met her lips, and he was filled with satisfaction and longing and bliss, being kissed by the girl of his dreams, by the girl who he loves and who loves him back. For once is his life, he wasn't alone.

For once in her life, she wasn't keeping secrets.

He was safe.

She was safe.

They were both loved.

Cute fluffy chapter for y'all. Probably should get back to my homework, but I drew a blank on what to do. ANYWHO Later alligators

[2018] gross. i mean, i don't hate this one as much as some of the others, but gross.

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