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Okay but what if Lila was actually a guy and had a crush on Mari? And Adrien got jealous and protective for no particular reason (snickers and snorts are heard).

"Hey Mari! Have you heard about the new exchange student?" Alya greeted her best friend as she walked in with a confused expression. "You know, Liam, the one from Italy?" Once again, Marinette shook her head.

"No, I didn't even know we were getting a new exchange student. How long's he staying?" 

"A year, at most." 

Marinette squeaked and whirled around to face the owner of the deep voice, who has startled her greatly. Behind her was a handsome boy with brown perfectly tousled hair and moss green eyes, tanned skin and a muscular build. He was wearing a tight white shirt with an orange over-shirt, and brown jeans.

He smiled charmingly and took Marinette's hand, kissing it without breaking eye contact."I'm Liam, and you must be the angel who blinded me a minute ago." 

Alya grinned, a mischievous glint in her brown eyes. "Ooh, suave. This angel over here is Marinette." She nudged her best friend, whose cheeks were now dusted with a light pink from the embarrassment of being complimented.

"Ah, Marinette. A name almost as beautiful as the girl whom it belongs to. Well, Marinette, would you mind showing me around?" His charming smile never faltered, and it only grew when Marinette became noticeably more flustered.

"Uh... sure! I'd be glad to!" She finally controlled her madly thumping heart and responded with a quick smile and shot Alya a glare. Liam was handsome, and flirty, but her heart belonged to Adrien only. Or, so she hoped.

Meanwhile, Adrien and Nino were also discussing the new guy when Liam and Marinette's conversation caught their eye. Well, Adrien's eye and he was currently gripping his bag strap tightly and scowling while Nino watched Adrien, amused.

Adrien was mumbling under his breath, ranting about the guy who was clearly hitting on his Princess. "Who does he think he is, going after her like that? I mean, she's clearly not interested, and she's so out of his league, and he just thinks he's so high and mighty and that he can just come in here and-"

"Bro, are you jealous?" Nino interrupted, his gleeful eyes hidden by his glasses reflecting light and his face straight. Adrien shook his head rapidly.

"No! I'm just... concerned. For her. He looks like bad news. And he needs to get away from her." He growled slightly before covering it up with a cough. Nino rolled his eyes.

"If you like Marinette, dude, better get her before that Liam dude. I mean, he came in on a private jet, met with Prince Ali, starred in a movie and is apparently friends with Chat Noir." Nino adjusted his glasses while Adrien scoffed. He was so not 'friends' with Chat Noir.

"Yeah, well, Marinette doesn't care about that kind of stuff... right?" He hoped so, at least. They weren't that close, so he didn't know her all that well. He hoped she wasn't materialistic. Oh god, what if she was materialistic? 

Liam took Marinette's hand, and she was too nervous and polite to pull it away. She showed him around to the library, the locker room, where the bathrooms were and eventually to the classroom, as he turned out to be in the same class as her. 

"So, here's the classroom. I think there's spare seats next to Ivan and Nathanael...? Over there, and over there!" She pointed to a seat that was directly behind her and a seat that was at the back. 

"Me and Marinette-"

"Marinette and I." Alya got cut off by Marinette's correction.

"Fine, Marinette and I," Alya rolled her eyes and got an elbow to the side. "sit over here." She gestured to the second desk from the front. 

"Guess I'll sit behind you girls." Liam winked at Marinette before taking a place directly behind her. She blushed pink and slid into her seat, just as Nino and Adrien came in. 

"Hey Nino, Adrien! You meet Liam yet?" Alya grinned and nodded in Liam's direction. The two boys waved and smiled pleasantly, but one of them was silently fuming. Liam shot them a smile before turning his attention back to Marinette. 

"So, Marinette, what are your hobbies? I'm sure you're as talented as you are beautiful." He winked as Marinette giggled and blushed slightly pink.

"Well, I like designing, but I also bake." She tapped her chin and frowned ever so slightly. "That's actually about i-"

"She can sing and dance and do tae kwon do, oh! She's a pretty good artist, pretty good at everything expect physics, she's flexible and strong too. AAAAAND she's single." Alya smirked at Marinette who rolled her eyes as Liam raised an eyebrow with that same flirty smile. 

Liam hung around Marinette all day, talking about his many achievements, including being a model himself, being best friends with Chat Noir (which Adrien overheard and immediately grinned mischievously) and flying in on a private jet with Prince Ali. And it didn't help that Alya ditched her to hang with Nino. Alya wanted her best friend to move on from Adrien, seeing as he wasn't getting all the hints Marinette dropped. But then again... he didn't look very happy when Liam and Marinette went to the park together. Alone. 

"What does she see in him? He is such a liar, he's only been in Paris for what, a week? And he says he's best friends with Chat Noir! He's just using her, I bet." Adrien was grumbling under his breath, ranting angrily about Liam, much to Alya and Nino's amusement. However, the two of them were sorely disappointed when he disappeared less than five minutes after Liam and Marinette left.

Liam was caught up with telling Marinette about how he was 'Volpin', the fox superhero, and how he was so much more powerful than Chat Noir and the hero had even asked him to help them. 

"See my necklace?" He held up a pendant which looked like a fox's fail curled up. "This is what makes me transform, my miraculous."

Marinette couldn't decide if he was lying or not, seeing as she was Ladybug and had never heard of 'Volpin' or whoever he was. But that was out of her hands as soon as Chat Noir himself dropped in front of them.

"Chat?!" Marinette stared at him incredulously. "What are you doing here? Is there an akuma?!"

The blond masked hero laughed. "No, Princess, everything's fine. Just thought I'd stop by, say hello, see who my favourite civilian was hanging out with." He sent Liam a fake smile. 

Marinette looked between the two. "Liam here was just telling me about how he's your best friend." She smiled, which dimmed slightly when Chat scoffed.

"This guy? Never seen him before in my life, Princess. Whatever else he's been telling you is probably a lie too." He sat down next to her and draped an arm across her shoulders while she threw a confused glance at Liam. "I don't know why you're with him, you could do much better." The Italian sat there, totally shocked, before being overcome with rage. Chat smiled sarcastically before planting a kiss on Marinette's cheek, making her freeze.

"Ch-Chat...?" She touched where he had pressed his lips, blushing bright and eyes wide. The hero chuckled and stood.

"Well, I must be going. See you later, my Princess!" He kissed again, this time on her hand. "And don't go hanging out with liars. You never know what else they might be faking." 

Shooting a glare at Liam, he smiled charmingly at Marinette before leaping away. Leaving the blunette to shake her head in disappointment at Liam as she too, walked away.

Adrien reappeared with a self-satisfied smirk at the school. Dodging Alya and Nino's questions about where he went, he simply walked to his next class and sat down.  An angry girl soon followed.

That was before the building across from their's appeared to blow up, and a boy dressed in an orange suit that looked like a fox with a flute darted by.

It was in that moment, Adrien knew he messed up.


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