Plays and Stage Kisses

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"For our annual play, we will be doing our version of The Little Mermaid!" Ms Bustier clapped her hands and the class erupted into excited chatter. She shushed them quickly. "Now, I want you to pick a role that you haven't done before. So, Marinette will not be doing costumes for the third year in a row-" Marinette groaned and dropped her head onto the table. "Chloe will not be acting for once-" Chloe gasped in horror. "And Nathanael will not be doing scenery again." Nathanael quietly groaned and rested his head on his hand again. "Actually, to make sure that you three don't pull any strings, Nathanael will be on costumes, Chloe will be on scenery and Marinette will be acting. Now, get to work!"

Marinette stared blankly before registering what the teacher said, and stood up as she left the classroom. "What?!" She yelled, getting all the attention of her classmates. "I was going to volunteer to do scenery or producing, but no, I have to ACT?! I can't act for my life! That's it. I'm doomed. We're all doomed. Ariel won't get her voice back because the play will NOT go on and I'll probably fall off the stage before it begins, give myself a concussion, the play will be ruined, we'll all get bad grades, it'll all be my fault, everyone will hunt me down for revenge and I'll have to go into hiding for years, I'll never make it as a fashion designer, MY LIFE IS OFFICIALLY OVER!" While saying this, she dramatically stalked around the room, using hand motions and facial expression to reenact the end of her life.

While all of her other classmates chuckled at her antics, Adrien just raised an eyebrow and folded his arms. "And you say you can't act." Marinette froze in her pacing and turned to look at the blond boy.

"U-uh... I can't act. In any case, I'm so clumsy I'll just fall every second of the performance!" She slipped out of her stuttering in her panic, imagining the embarrassment and the failing herself, her parents and her classmates IN FRONT OF HALF OF PARIS. And what if they ask Ladybug to come?! How is she going to do that?!

"You literally just reenacted the end of your life, using dramatics and emotion, and you can't act?" Adrien asked flatly. Marinette shrank back a little. "You're acting. Now, what are the roles?"

Alya flipped through the script. "Ariel, Prince Eric, King Triton, Flounder the fish, Sebastian the crab, Ursula, Chef Louis, Scuttle the idiotic seagull, Max the dog, Grimsby that one servant guy, Flotsam the electric eel, Jetsam the electric eel, and... that's it!" She grinned mischievously, and Marinette's eyes widened as her head shook rapidly. "I vote Marinette be Ariel."

Marinette pouted and whined. "Alyyyyaaa why can't I just be someone like, one of her sisters or something? Why do I have to take the lead role?"

Alya threw her best friend a smile. "Like Prince Charming over here said, you can act, and you're not too bad at it. Who knows, maybe this will help with your confidence too!" Marinette sighed.

"I'm not getting out of this, am I?" She rubbed her temples as Alya and Nino shook their heads. "Alright, who's Eric?"

Alya's grin grew. "What did I just call Adrien?" Marinette's eye widened before she gave up and slammed her palm to her forehead.

"For god's sake, Alya... You're not going to give me a break are you?" She sighed again. 

"You know, if we're doing the Little Mermaid, shouldn't we check if Marinette can sing?" Nino piped up, sending Alya a grin. The two nodded excitedly, and as Marinette deadpanned, she slip herself up to be sitting on her desk and opened her mouth.

Chloe interrupted her. "I bet she sounds like a dying seal!" She and Sabrina started laughing maliciously as Marinette smirked and started to sing.

"Look at this stuff, isn't it neat? Wouldn't you think, my collections' complete? Wouldn't you think I'm the girl, the girl who has everything." Her melodic voice captured the attention of the class as she stared up at the ceiling. "Look at this trove, treasures untold, how many wonders can one cavern hold? Looking around here, you'd think, sure, she's got everything."

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