Volpin? (Part 2 of Liam?)

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Everyone wanted a part 2, so here it is! I feel like this song fitted this...

Adrien's self-satisfied smirk slipped away as he gaped at the building that just came crashing down. He ran to the window and caught a glimpse of an athletic boy in an orange and brown suit that resembled a fox. He hadn't even noticed Marinette at the window next to him as he swore.

"Oh, merde."

With that, he ran out of the classroom to find a place to transform.


Marinette had gone home, and was talking to Tikki when a knock came at her window. 

"Tikki, could that really be another miraculous holder?" She asked with a confused look on her face. "And the way Adrien reacted..." She jumped when a knock came from the window. "Tikki, hide!" She hissed before going up on her balcony. Where the... hero? Akuma? Whoever from earlier was standing.

"Hello, my angel." He knelt and took her hand, planting a kiss on it. She couldn't help but feel slightly uncomfortable... kissing her hand was something only... Chat does. 

"Uhh, who are you?" She shied away slightly, careful not to let him notice her discomfort, even though it was apparent. He smiled charmingly (I use that word a lot).

"Do you not remember? Well, my mask must make it hard to recognize me. It is I, Volpin, the fox superhero!" He bowed extravagantly. Marinette's bluebell eyes widened with realization.

"I... you... Liam?"She stammered, a hand going to her mouth. She was even more shocked when Chat appeared behind him. "What the heck is going on?! Why are you dressed like that? Why are you here?!" 

The fox hero, oblivious to Chat's presence, moved closer to her, once again making her step back. She panicked slightly when her back hit the wall. "Well, angel, I am here to prove what I said is true. I am Volpin, and Chat Noir was simply jealous I was with such a beautiful young lady. He is the liar, he has always been jealous of me, for I am more powerful than Ladybug and him combined!"

"How could I be jealous of someone I've never seen before?" 

Volpin whirled around to face Chat, who was cockily leaning his staff on his shoulder, but his eyes were anything but playful. His eyes were flaming, his face set in a stern frown. Marinette would have been scared if that look was directed at her, but as it was directed at him, she was relieved that he was serious about Volpin.

"Back off, Volpin. She doesn't want you here." He jumped down from her balcony railing and approached him, his posture now completely serious and intimidating. Volpin scowled. 

"And how do you know that?" He sneered at the blond hero, before the corners of his lips curled up. "Are you attached to this one?" Volpin grabbed Marinette's wrist tightly, causing her to cry out in pain. Chat Noir's eyes turned wild, his once stone-like face now snarling. Volpin's malicious grin grew. "Oh, you are? Well, I'll be taking this!" 

He forcefully pulled Marinette towards him and flew away. 


Adrien pushed himself too hard, and Plagg knew it. That's why the kwami cut the transformation off early, forcing the teenager to go home early. He watched sadly as Adrien paced angrily, pulling at his hair with a furious and terrified look in his normally bright green eyes.

My fault he took her, my fault she's in danger, my fault, my fault, my fault, all my fault, all my fault, my fault-

"Kid, you're not going to help her by searching mindlessly and blaming yourself. You need a plan." Plagg interrupted with an unusually serious tone. "And this time, you can't fall back on Ladybug." He added, causing Adrien's head to snap towards him.

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