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pure fluff, play the song coz it's important

you can be the peanut butter to my jelly

you can be the butterflies i feel in my belly

From the moment they met, crashing into each other's lives as loudly as possible, there were always butterflies. Not the literal butterflies she bid adieu every so often, but the gentle flurry of excitement and nervousness swirling inside as quickly as the petit papillons that were sure to swarm around a spring garden in full bloom. The briefest of smiles set off a whirlwind, god knows what a laugh or, heaven forbid, a touch could do. And that feeling, the fluttering and the lightness, oh, that feeling was addictive. So while it hindered their ability to interact and clouded their thoughts... they were constantly drawn to one another. 

you can be the rain from the cloud when it's stormin'
or you can be the sun when it shines in the mornin'

But not drawn to each other in the way they wished. It was all a little complicated, a little tricky to figure out. A game of cat and mouse, but neither were sure who was the cat and who was the mouse, ironically enough. Circles and triangles and squares and pentagons and ridiculous amounts of people blocking the way and slowing them down, yet the love between them was never lost, and neither was the hope that someday, the other would truly see it. Of all the possible shapes and colours of their souls, it was refreshing to see two so matched in every way.

'cause you're the apple to my pie
you're the straw to my berry

Eventually, their love grew when they turned their attentions to their true sides. He began to take notice of the girl who smelled of sugar cookies and lavender seated behind him, she turned her head to see the boy who hide his insecurities behind a much more secure mask and a set of terrible puns. Continuing to dance around each other, yet their connection growing stronger. So rare to watch happen in this time, a love so pure, and equally as enchanting as it once was, millennia ago.

you take the both of us, of us
and we're the perfect two

Pet names, teasing, blushes and electric eyes in the moonlight filled the once empty, lonely nights. He bit his tongue around her to avoid outing himself, she daydreamed far more often and avoided all of her best friend's questioning glances. Those two hearts were always in too deep with any relationship, dedicated and certain. Spinning fantasies revolving around love out of thin air seemed to be a common pastime among those partners. Perhaps they simply wished to be loved. 

you can be the prince and i can be your princess

you can be the sweet tooth and i can be the dentist
you can be the shoes and i can be the laces
you can be the heart that i spill on the pages

They always say opposites attract, but it's never been true. Especially in this case. These two were both so kindhearted and insightful, playful and teasing, protective and strong in so many ways that it was impossible for them not to end up together. Everyone knew it too, and however infuriating the two became, they always anticipated the best. After all, what was love without hope?

you can be as cold as the winter weather

but i don't care as long as we're together

And once they did see...

don't know if i ever could be
without you, 'cause boy you complete me
and in time i know that we'll both see

Oh, the fireworks that exploded in their hearts. To know that the two they loved were actually one, it was like a weight had been lifted off their shoulders and wings lifted their feet off the ground. She had reacted with tears of joy and laughter, he held her as close as he could to listen to her soft breaths. Confessions had been exchanged that sparkling night, and it seemed their love story all but was complete.

you're the smoke to my high
and you're the one i wanna marry

They wanted to be careful about this, however. Neither wanted to rush, neither wanted to lose the other. So the first thing they did after confessing was trade phone numbers. Plans were made whenever he was free, and their friendship grew along with their affections. Their best friends believed it, as well as the rest of their classmates, and nearly were practically jumping for joy when he stood up to the bully and protected his lady.

and we're the perfect two

Life accepted them as they were, and they accepted each other as they were. Flaws transformed into perfections and quirks converted into adorable traits. They loved each other so much, in such amounts that had not been seen for so long that it was startling to see again. But nobody would have it any other way, would they? Because love is more than an emotion, love is a promise, and this time, that promise would be kept.

you know that i'll never doubt ya

and you know that i think about ya
and you know that i can't live without ya



"What you do if we hadn't met?"

i love the way that you smile
and maybe in just a while
i can see me walk down the aisle

"Wait for you."

"But what if-"

"Shh. Forget the what if's. I would wait for you until you found me, because that is what we promised to do. We have promised to always come back to each other, and so we shall. We're here now, right? Forget what could've been and focus on what could be."

"... You're right, as usual."

"Just watch me fail our next test."

 "Phft. You won't... Much as I wish I could stay, I need to go, Princess. Père will notice I'm gone before long."

"Okay. See you tomorrow?"

"See you."

you're the one for me, for me

and i'm the one for you, for you
you take the both of us, of us
and we're the perfect two.

One new message from: Adrichat

Adrichat: <3

we're the perfect two...

we're the perfect two...

baby, me and you...

we're the perfect two.

One new message from: my princess 

my princess: <3

The Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now