Plot Twist - CRUSHES

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What if... Marinette wasn't Ladybug and Adrien wasn't Chat Noir? What if Ladybug and Chat Noir were two teens slightly older who looked strangely alike but were unrelated (this is the only way I can ship Adrienette and Bridgix) (yes I have decided Bridgette and Felix is Bridgix)

Marinette stepped out the doors, holding a hand out, watching as droplets splattered on her palm. With a sigh, she resigned herself to wait for the rain to stop. Dropping her bag by her feet, she was about to sit down and continue with her sketches when he came out.

Adrien noticed the rain, sure, but his attention was quickly diverted to the girl standing before it. The same girl who accused him of sticking gum on her seat. He believed Nino said her name was Marinette, and he had to admit, she was very pretty. Determination filling his heart, he moved to greet her.

"Hi!" He lifted a hand, but dropped it when she stubbornly looked away. His bright, friendly smile dropped into a vision of sadness. She peaked around her hair to see his gaze on the ground as he opened his black umbrella. "Listen... when I said I was trying to remove the gum from your seat... it's true you know?" He looked back over his shoulder at her to see her crystal eyes wide and staring at him. "I've never gone to school before. I never had any friends. It's all sort of... new to me." He smiled halfheartedly and shrugged. 

Turning around fully, he held out the umbrella to her. Her mouth opened in surprise, lips curled into an 'o'. He simply smiled, sincerity shining from his emerald eyes. Thunder cracked in the distance, provoking a soft gasp from her. She hesitantly raised a hand, not breaking eye contact, unable to tear her his from his searing ones. She accidentally touched his finger, jerking back with a slight wince, before taking the umbrella into her closed fist. 

She stood still for a moment before the umbrella closed around her, a startled yelp escaping from her. 

Adrien tried to be polite, he really did, but he couldn't help but burst out laughing as he lifted the rim of the umbrella to reveal her blushing, timid expression. She let out a small giggle, enjoying the way his face lit up with life as he laughed freely. He finally calmed down to see her smiling shyly, eyes glittering like they were lit up by some invisible light. If he were being honest, his heart skipped a beat.

"Well, see you tomorrow!" He waved with a grin before dashing towards the car waiting for him. She stared after him, a blush consuming her face.

"Y-yeah, s-see y-you morrow-to, no wait, tomotrow, that's not it, tomorrow- wait, why am I stuttering?" She glanced down, confused, before gasping in realisation. "No! I don't... do I? Ugh, this year is going to be so confusing." She groaned, moving to head home.

Adrien watched her from the window of the car, watching as she groaned and slapped her forehead and rushed back to wear she left her bag. He chuckled as she slung her bag over her back and dashed across the street, presumably to her house. 

"She's adorable..." He sighed dreamily, and then snapped out of his reverie. "Wait what?! Do I... I do!" He grinned, leaning back in his seat. "This year is going to be interesting."

~*YES I DID JUST DO THAT BUT It'S NOT ENDING THERE SO KEEP ON IT SUCKAS (you're not suckas you're awesome peeps)*~

The next day, Marinette was freaking out to her new friend, Alya. 

"And I started stuttering for no reason! I was perfectly normal and suddenly I start stuttering? What is wrong with me?!" She whined, leaning her head on Alya's shoulder. The brunette chuckled, patting her adorable friend's head. 

"Girl, I think you have a crush." She grinned as Marinette looked up in horror.

"No! I can't have a crush on him! I don't do crushes, they're just too messy and stressful! I cherish my sleep, thank you!" She tugged at her hair and bit her lip, trying to stop herself from yelling. "My life is over!" She declared rather dramatically, putting her arm to cover her eyes as she leaned against Alya. Her friend laughed this time, shoving her away as two boys approached them. Well, one approached them and the other was being dragged along.

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