The Abnormal

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They didn't know what to do when her mutant abilities were revealed. They told her to hide, to never use her powers no matter the cost. She grew afraid to even touch at her infinite power. They hid her for the first few years, until she was 16 and still scared to use them. 

That's when they got a letter from Fu's School for Gifted Children.

She was past special, and she knew it the moment she arrived.


Marinette was always different, and here it was still the same. Everyone else had basic powers, or only one, and used that power to suit what they needed to do. Like her guide who could transform into any animal, but seemed to prefer a cat, used the abilities of various animals to get around, fight and defend.

Marinette could do so much more.

She was a telepathic, had telekinesis, could manipulate air and water and earth and fire and the weather, she could control vibrations in the air and ground, she could see a person's death at the touch of a hand, she could communicate with animals, she could heal herself and others, she could produce weapons and shields from pure energy as well as mentally shield herself, she could speak every language and remember everything.

Even here, where she was supposed to fit in, she was abnormal.

She tugged on her grey hoodie, trying to hide yet again. Years being told to fear others, to fear what they can do to you should they find out, to be afraid of the kindest actions and the deadliest smiles was woven deep into her soul. She was born not trusting anyone with her touch, let alone her life. She was brought up to not let anyone trust her. 

And here she was, expected to let all those inhibitions, all those voices go? Not a chance. Not for all the gold in the world. 

Her guide, a handsome blond, smiled and held open the door for her. She continued to stare at the floor, avoiding his questioning gaze. Lifting her head, she saw a bald man in a wheelchair gesturing for her to take a seat in a brown leather chair before a delicately decorated wooden desk. She quickly sat down, unwilling to annoy the rather important looking man.

She felt a presence poking at her mind, and, panicked, threw up her walls and hid behind locked doors. 

"Ah, a telepathic. Welcome to my school, child." A short, old man wearing khaki shorts and a Hawaiian top stood up and moved to shake her hand. She hesitantly took his hand, but was unprepared for how he gripped her palm and forced a vision upon her. 

Adrien Agreste, the new student's guide, watched, shocked, as her pupils swallowed up her irises, black consuming the beautiful blue that once shone. Her already pale face whitened further, and her head was thrown back, her hood falling off to reveal her midnight blue curls. Even in this moment, he couldn't help but be taken with her beauty.

She jerked out of the vision with a gasp, eyes returning to normal, panting and sweating as she stared at the man. He simply smiled, a mysterious twinkle in his eyes. "How... how... how did you do that?!" She shook her head frantically, trying to get the remaining buzz out of her mind. "No, not how... why would you do that?" She let out a groan, clutching at her stomach, slumping where she stood, hanging her head low.

Adrien instinctively took a step forward, worried for the poor girl. Fu lifted a hand, halting his advancement. He shot the old man a confused look, but obeyed reluctantly. 

"Child, what is your name?" He ignored her questions, ignored her defensive and hurt look, ignored her terrified eyes. He just observed her, that same infuriating smile resting on his face.

She eyed him suspiciously, untrusting and unwilling to answer. Eventually, she relented. "Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng." 

Marinette. Pretty name for a pretty girl. Adrien hid a smirk as this thought passed through his head, internally cheering for the somewhat-decent line. Fu seemed to notice his humour and the twinkle in his eye grew, provoking a silent smile from the blond boy. 

"I am Master Fu. This young man is Adrien, he is my chosen student. Well, was." He chuckled, as if from an inside joke. Marinette's brow furrowed, confusion and hesitation practically painted across her face as she glanced towards him. "He's now one of our teachers, physics I believe. If you ever need help, he'd be the one to ask."

With a resigned sigh, she pushed a strand of hair away from her face. "What... what happens now?" A bitter smile twisted her lips, sick humour rising in her throat. "I'm still different, aren't I? Still an anomaly. Still abnormal, even here." Her hand clenched into a fist, and released, her fingers curling but not touching. "I will never belong, will I?" Her words, barely a whisper, barely audible, were still caught by the elderly man.

His kind smile grew, as he lifted his arm to grasp her hands in two of his. "Child, there is no fitting in for someone who was born to stand out." 

Tears pricked the back of her eyes, her mask slipping away. "What if all I want is to slip into the shadows? Be forgotten, like normal people are." Her voice cracked as she dropped her gaze. Fu sighed.

"I will not lie to you, Marinette." He started, once more gaining her stare. "You are one of a kind. You will likely be remembered for being the first mutant to have this many skills. This gift gives you two options." Fu watched as Marinette's eyes glazed over once more, having her hopes crushed once more. "You may either use this power for your own desires, or protect others." 

Her head jerked up and she stared at him, daring him to show any sign of him joking around. "W-what...?" As the butterflies in her stomach began to whirl, she started rambling. "I-I can't protect people! I, I'm so clumsy I'll mess up everything! I can barely think straight under pressure, I-I can't, I can't talk to people without freezing up! I'm barely capable and you tell me I should protect people?! I d-don't even know how to use some of my powers! I-I get panic attacks if too many people are looking at me! A-and m-my parents, they w-would worry so much, I don't want them to worry about me more!"

"Wear a mask." His simple, short words brought even more shock to her eyes, but this time she addressed it quietly. Fu shrugged, nodding over to Adrien. "He does, when he's needed. Calls himself 'Chat Noir' for some absurd reason."

She looked over at the playfully scowling blond, and for the first time, she giggled. Her face lit up, glowing with humour, and her pink lips curled in a smile struck a cord in his heart. Her striking blue eyes sparkled with teasing and amusement, practically a vision of life, a mirage of colour in the otherwise dull world. She was a rainbow, a treasure that could easily fade like a flower in the night, and he was starstruck. 

She moved her gaze from him to her intertwined hands, fingers laced together like a French braid. The smile still rested on her face, small and shy and not going away. She lifted her eyes to look at Master Fu.

"I think... I'd like to be a ladybug, if I protect. After all, I've always been a little low on good luck."


So, guys. We are fast approaching the 100th chapter. I'll check out how many author's notes I've put in to see REALLY which one-shot it is, but I have an awesome idea for the 100th. 

Everyone comment one thing you want to see in a one-shot if you can think of it. Be wild, creative, cheesy, cliche, whatever you want, but only ONE IDEA. You can't plot the whole thing, just one single idea. So, no "Adrien falls for Marinette and visits her as Chat Noir and Marinette falls for Chat Noir and they have a dramatic reveal and get together blah blah blah", but yes "Adrien falls for Marinette and visits her." I will take all your ideas...

...and combine them into ONE SINGLE CHAPTER. It will be crazy. It will probably be confusing. It will very hopefully be hilarious. If any ideas directly contradict each other, I'll find a way! Like "They're all dead" and "They're living in a fairy kingdom" BOOM FAIRY SPIRIT WORLD

i am so excited for what you guys come up with and what we all create


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