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Mild language, it's only arse in this one. Also, HOGWARTS AU OH YEAH.

"What are you doing with a Slytherin?" The brown-haired Hufflepuff narrowed his eyes, inspecting the blunette standing next to his Ravenclaw friend. "Didn't you hear about He-who-must-not-be-named?" The blond Gryffindor beside him nodded but had a contemplative look on his face. 

Alya, the Ravenclaw, rolled her eyes. "Not all Slytherins are evil, Nino." At Nino's skeptical look, she grabbed her newest friend's face and squished her cheeks together, earning startled wide blue eyes. "Does this look like the face of evil to you?" Nino stared at Alya while Adrien, the Gryffindor, snickered at the 'evil' witch's expression.

Marinette folded her arms, a generally done expression in her eyes. "Alya." She cut into the two brunette's staring competition with a flat voice, Alya's brown eyes flicking towards her.


"Let go of my face."

"Hmm... nope."

Sighing, Marinette reached for her wand. Waving it at Alya, she uttered a spell. "Rictusempra." 

Alya shrieked as invisible hands began to tickle her. She dropped to the floor laughing hysterically, hands clutching at her sides as she wriggled. "Okay, okay! Make it stop!" She begged, choking on laughter. 

Marinette giggled. "Finite Incantatum." She performed the spell to stop a spell currently in effect, letting Alya stand up and scowl playfully at her best friend before she turned back to the two boys.

"She's also freakishly good at spells. But not potions. She is terrible at potions." Alya slung an arm around her best friend, who blushed and giggled again. "But no way is she evil." 

Nino shrugged. "How do I know that?"

Marinette's eyes glinted knowingly. "Cast Legilimens on me." At Nino's shocked expression, she nodded. "Go on, do it. See if I have any intent on killing anyone. Look into my past. Find the evil you so readily said was in me."

Nino's eyes narrowed once more. He reached for his wand. "Legilimens" He whispered and dove into the mind of Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

A bakery with magic-enhanced sweets. Loving parents teaching how to be kind, how to be grateful, how to understand. Saving a cat from a tree. Helping up an elderly man. Being bullied. Staying strong. A red and black spotted mask. A gold trophy. Getting her letter. Finding Alya on the train. Accepting the fact that she was a Slytherin. Ambition. Cunning. Resourcefulness. Accepting the fact that she was in the same house as her bully. Fear of being used. Fear of being unloved. Fear of being alone. Strength to push past fear. 

Adrien watched as the two remained stock-still, Marinette's challenging blue eyes staring deep into Nino's brown ones. Alya was still grinning at her best friend's bravery, she could've been in Gryffindor just as easily as Ravenclaw. But the Sorting Hat decided to put her in Slytherin, so she was a Slytherin. 

Nino blinked and clutched at his head as his spell faded, breaking out of the magic-induced trance. Marinette, too, blinked, but she just tilted her head.

"So? Tell me, Nino. You've seen into my mind, into my memories. Am I evil?" Her tranquil voice, ever so soft and sweet and showing no remorse or anger towards Nino.

Said Hufflepuff sighed. "Nope. You're as sweet as your parents baked goods. Sorry for accusing you like that." He rubbed the back of his neck while apologising, to Alya's victorious smirk.

Marinette broke out into a smile and waved off his apology. "Nah, don't worry about it. I know Hufflepuffs are dedicated. You wouldn't have dropped it until you saw proof." 

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