Dear Adrien

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I have recently realised that my book is more popular than some of my favourites. Like... oh my god... that's actually really weird when you think about it. My favourite books are well written, have an amazing storyline, creative villains, everything is gripping and exciting and has good grammar (a huge thing for me) and MY ONE-SHOT BOOK is more popular. These aren't even as long! You think I can make up good villains? Nope! What about suspense? Please! Most of these I write on a whim! Well, this had been a huge revelation, so I'll just say thank you so much once more (9 million more times) and say how crazy this is for me! Thank you!

Dear Adrien,

Alya here. I have put together a bunch of messages from our classmates to do with a sweet, beautiful, kind, brave, strong, insecure (extremely insecure because of you), friend-of-all... friend... of us all, and your stuck up, good for nothing, manipulative, evil, bully, friend-of-nobody girlfriend. This first one is mine (duh) and the rest include letters from Kim, Nino, Alix, Nathanael, Juleka, Rose, Ivan, Mylene and Max.

"Why isn't Marinette writing to me?" He frowned, provoking a sigh from his kwami.

"You haven't noticed how she's been avoiding you?" Plagg noted before gulping down a wedge of cheese. His frown deepened.

To start off, I would like to ask you one thing. WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?! You have way better choices than Chloe, and the one particular girl we all have in mind is head over heels for you and your dumb oblivious head can't see it! Even now, she refuses to blame you! She goes on and on about how terrible she is compared to Chloe, how she's isn't as pretty or as rich, and how you deserve better than her, when I know damn well she's the one that's out of YOUR league! She tries so hard to make you smile and succeeds most of the time, and you STILL pick CHLOE over HER?! You really are an idiot. If anything, you don't deserve her.

"What is Alya going on about? Nobody in our class has a crush on me." He read over the letter again, trying to connect the dots. Plagg groaned.

"Adrien, you're an absolute idiot."

And now she's losing sleep and crying in the night and she can barely keep up with school. I don't care what she says, this is your fault, and I intend to fix it as best I can.

Signed, Alya.


Bro, you're an idiot.

"This is Nino's handwriting, I'm sure of it." He checked the bottom of the slip of paper. "Yup, it's Nino. He's calling me an idiot too?"

Marinette's been in love with you since the third day of this year, dude.

"M...Marinette?" He stuttered, almost dropping the page. "I... I thought she still hated me from the gum!"

"And this is why you're an idiot." Plagg rolled his eyes. "I may be a heartless lazy kwami, but I've been around long enough to know that girl's fallen for you hard, and not just for your looks. She loves you for who you are, unlike that blondie who fulfils all the stereotypes."

All the stuttering, the extra clumsiness, the blushing and awkwardness, how could you not see? She'd be perfect for you too, if she got over the awkwardness. She'd try her best to make you smile, she'd understand, she'd let you cry on her shoulder about your problems, and she's the kindest, the prettiest, the sweetest girl in Paris! Everyone in the class adores her except Chloe and you! Even Sabrina would ditch the witch for our class prez, but she couldn't write because Chloe checks her bag.

Dude, I'm sorry, but you messed up and even I know it.



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