Sleepovers, truth or dare and finding out

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This was originally much fluffier and more innocent, but I can't be bothered rewriting it again.

Marinette had no clue how she ended up at Alya's house with Nino and Adrien for a sleepover, but here she was, watching a bunch of movies with her best friends while in her cat shirt. She was sprawled face down on the couch while they watched Deadpool, cracking up at the stupid jokes. Adrien was even trying out some of the pickup lines on Marinette, wiggling his eyebrows as she rolled her eyes and pushed his face away.

"Oh my god, did he just make a jab at the studio?!" Marinette chocked on her drink of Mountain Dew. Soft drinks before 8 pm, then alcohol was allowed was the rule at sleepovers. "Will they not let me breath?!"

Adrien, from his place on the floor, smirked up at her. "Maybe you should stop drinking." She knew what was coming. "Or are you thirsty?" He got an empty Cola can tossed at his head, wincing slightly because Marinette had very good aim.

"Agreste, I swear to god, I will murder you in your sleep." Playful venom lacing her tone, she narrowed her eyes at him.

He grinned. "Does that mean you'll be watching me sleep?"

This time, he got a pillow to the face.

His voice muffled by his face pressed into the pillow, he put his thumb up. "Smells like you, so I'm okay with this."

A stuffed toy.

"Why is our relationship so abusive?"

"For the love of god, someone duct tape his mouth shut!" Marinette exclaimed exasperatedly, rolling her eyes, but at the same time grinning. Turning her attention back to the movie, she snickered. "He forgot the guns, of course."

Nino looked over at the two, bemused amusement on his face. Alya had an identical look, albeit upside-down from where she lay on her chair. They glanced at each other, back at Marinette and Adrien, back at each other and grinned.

Alya got up, sneaking behind Marinette, and pushed her off the couch before getting a drink. Marinette let out a surprised squeak as she rolled onto the floor, blanket tangled around her body and eyes wide. She ended up landing on top of Adrien, legs crossing and faces an inch away.

He grinned his Cheshire cat grin. "Well hi there."

She gave him a smirk. And leaned forward ever so slightly until their noses were brushing and he was getting flustered. "You got a little something on your cheek." She murmured, noting how his eyes dropped to her lips and he gulped. "Oh wait, you're just blushing." With that, she rolled off him and onto her back beside him, a laugh escaping her mouth.

Adrien scowled. His recent attempts to coax the shy girl out of her shell and raise her confidence around him had proven successful - however, his tiny, infinitesimal crush on her had blossomed once he got to know the incredible girl. One of her many unforeseen traits was that she was a giant tease.

It was his job to tease! Well, to flirt and make puns.

Alya giggled at the two, Adrien staring with an unamused expression across his face at the roof, Marinette rolled on her stomach and watching the movie, popcorn held between her teeth before she tossed it up in the air and caught it in her mouth. The brunette snorted at that.

"Show off." She nudged Marinette's foot with her own, earning a lazy grin.

"Anything you can do, I can do better!" She started singing, her voice pitch-perfect and sweet. Capturing the boys' attention, Alya placed a hand on her hip. "I can do anything better than you!"

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