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yeah so i recently read (three times) this new book called Akarnae (and i'm SO UPSET because it's a FIVE PART SERIES but ONLY TWO BOOKS ARE PUBLISHED UGH)(READ IT IT'S SO GOOD) and there was this concept about gifts which was kinda cliche but actually really cool - everyone had a gift but some gifts were more powerful than others. SO since I haven't updated in a bit (sorry bout that, was working on my surprise) (honestly not much of a surprise anymore i'm just really excited for it) I decided to base this one-shot off that! Creds for the idea go to the author, Lynette Noni.

also creds for the song go to katy perry my love my life my inspiration my hero badabing badaboom

 "Hey, look, it's the princess of lame!" Chloe cackled as she flounced past in the hallways, Sabrina hot on her tail. 

Marinette rolled her eyes, shutting her locker and hitching her bag further up her shoulder. "You and I both know the reason you hate me is because you can't manipulate me!" she called up the hallway, a sigh escaping her lips once the scoff reached her ears before making her way to class.

Chloe was a Charmer, not the strongest in their school, but definitely strong enough to get what she wanted. Charmers can use their voice like a... hypnotists swinging watch, suggesting things and manipulating minds to their will. Often, Charmers used this ability for their own selfish needs and desires, like Chloe's father during his election campaign. But there was one Charmer that could do anything, even make the most powerful of the gifted fall for him.

Adrien Agreste.

The boy did whatever he pleased, but what he did wasn't selfish or cruel. It was always in the interest of others, like when he Charmed his father to let him go to Nino's birthday party, or Charming Chloe to make her calm down. He knew when he was being manipulated, and therefore Chloe couldn't Charm him, but that didn't stop her from trying. He was always so kind and understanding, it wasn't hard for Marinette to fall for him, despite him having no power over her whatsoever.

Oh yeah, Marinette's gift was the gift of willpower. Now, that might not cool and fancy like Nino's ability to transcend (walk through walls like a ghost, disappear) or Alya's ability to read minds, but in reality it was considered the most useful and powerful of gifts. What it meant was that she could never be manipulated, nobody could read her mind (sorry Alya), she could literally will things into existence and she could even open doors to the other world, the one that was parallel to theirs in the beginning but got knocked off course. 

That was why Chloe hated her. Because Chloe could never bend Marinette, she chose to break her instead. 

But... because of Chloe's Charm, practically everyone in the school hated Marinette. Except Adrien.

And that's one of the reasons she fell for him.

"Mademoiselle Dupain-Cheng!" 

Marinette lifted her gaze to meet her teacher's, the purple eyes behind the angled glasses fiery with contempt. "Oui, madame?"

"Would you care to pay attention?"

"I have been, madame."

"Oh really? What did we just go through?"

Marinette yawned, stretching slightly. "The formula for determining how much kinetic energy an object has as it decreases in velocity."

Ms Mendeleiev grumbled under her breath. "Correct. I apologise for calling you out again as you clearly proved me wrong again.

Marinette smirked. "Anytime, madame."

"Cut the sass, Dupain-Cheng."

"Oui, Madame." She chuckled under her breath as Chloe's scowl was shot her way, returning to her work with a satisfied smile on her pretty face.

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