Someone special

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Mature language used ~ Hope you don't mind, because I like this one!

Opposites attract, so they say. Well, this has never been more true. In this world, people are born with a power. Yet, somewhere close, someone will be born with the opposite power, and that person would be their soulmate. For example, Marinette's parents had the powers of protection and of attack. Sabine always thought she was cursed with this power, as it did not reflect her caring and passive nature at all, but Tom cancelled her out. They fit each other, like puzzle pieces.

Marinette herself was special. She had the powers of creation, which meant her soulmate would have the powers of destruction. Both were very powerful, most would love to have a power like that. She was careful not to show it off too much because of this reason, she would get used for her abilities to create anything conceivable. She wanted true friendship, not just fake.

Her two friends, Alya and Nino, were completely oblivious to their obviously being soulmates. Alya manipulates fire, while Nino manipulates water. He uses it to get water away from his electronics. Alya likes to heat up her coffee.

Marinette doesn't know what Adrien's power was. She knew he probably wasn't her soulmate, but she couldn't help but hope.

Yet one day was more fateful than the others, she was forced to reveal herself to everyone in her class, and she found her soulmate.

Chloe was upset. She was always upset at something, but whatever was wrong had her completely furious. So furious, she started screaming and yelling at her poor friend, Sabrina. Everyone in the room was shocked - Chloe had even started crackling with energy. Chloe was literally electric - she produced electricity and could let it out in powerful bursts or power anything.

"YOU LOST IT?! THAT WAS THE MOST EXPENSIVE NECKLACE DADDY COULD FIND, AND YOU LOST IT?!" She screeched at the cowering girl, who looked up in fear. Sabrina's power to see any event in the world wouldn't help her. 

"Chloe, calm down-" Adrien tried to soothe the girl, who just brushed off his attempts. Chloe was very temperamental normally, and while her power was in use, almost nothing could calm her unless she let it out somehow. And her target was Sabrina.

"SHE DESERVES IT!" Chloe was about to hit Sabrina with an energy burst, when Marinette's desperation grew and she called out.

"Chloe, wait!" 

Surprisingly, the blond girl stopped, and turned to face Marinette. She was standing up, a hand outstretched. Swallowing hard, the blunette spoke again, knowing all eyes in the classroom were on her. 

"If... if we get the necklace back, will you promise not to hurt Sabrina?" She pleadingly stared into Chloe's eyes, noting as the fury started to mellow out, but still on a grand scale. Chloe lowered her arm, and smirked.

"You have five minutes."

Marinette walked over to Nathanael, who could accurately draw anything he had seen, even if he barely glanced at it. "Can you draw the necklace?" The red headed boy nodded, and quickly drew an extremely accurate picture. It was exactly like a photograph, and Marinette could've said it was one if she hadn't seen him draw it. She nodded a thanks to Nathanael, before standing a metre or so from Chloe. Taking a deep breath, Marinette extended a palm upwards and created the necklace anew.

"Oh look, Marinette's an illusionist. Sorry, but illusion won't do. Sabrina gets it." Chloe laughed maliciously and was about to turn away when a sparkle caught her eye. She stared in shock as Marinette held out the completely solid necklace, and gasped when a real necklace was dropped in her hand. Suddenly, she was presented with a real wooden bowl of water.

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