HOW I WISH IT ENDED - Evillustrator

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You know those episodes where you're just like "I REALLY wish it ended like this instead of that!" WELL, my friends, taking out my frustration at these episodes, I shall be writing HOW I WISH IT ENDED chapter (inspired by the YouTube series How It Should Have Ended).

"Ugh... Nice beret by the way." I say, referring to the beret on Sabrina's head that look strangely like the one Chloe flashed around yesterday. Who am I kidding, it is the beret Chloe flashed around yesterday. I have to admit though, attacking her with berets and a hairdryer and a shoe was the best thing an akuma's ever done. That giant high heel stomping around was too funny! Too bad I had to cleanse Nath... NOT THAT I THOUGHT HE SHOULD REMAIN LIKE THAT, I'M NOT...ugh.

"I know, right? Chloe lent it to me. She really is my best friend! Oh Chloe! I have your geography homework!" The red head skips over to the blonde. I shake my head in disappointment - you'd think a girl would be less naive. Closing my locker, I jump at Adrien who was just behind it. In my shock I forget to stutter.

"How did you get there?! Were you just waiting there for me to close my locker?! Do you know how creepy that is?!" I exclaim, my eyes wide as I gesture wildly at my locker to him. He chuckles at my antics.

"Not as creepy as you having my full timetable in your room," he points out. My eyes grow wider before narrowing in annoyance.

"Alya. I will get that girl," I growl aggressively. Adrien looks taken aback. Oh well. I'm not stuttering, might as well keep being normal Marinette. "Anyway, is there a reason you were appeared behind my locker like a ninja?!"

He laughs again. "I heard about your adventures with Chat Noir yesterday. How was he?"

I snort, imagining him showing off in front of me. "He's a flirt. And makes terrible puns."

"No, my puns are the best!" I hear a gasp from in front of me, and forget that I'm talking to Adrien and that I'm not Ladybug right now.

"Yeah, yeah, tell me again when my yo-yo breaks," I snicker.

"That's not fair, your yo-yo is unbreakable!" He whines. I laugh.

"That's the point, Chaton." I say, smirking, knowing I've caught him. My bluebell eyes widen as I realise that I'm talking to Adrien and not Chat and that we're in school and not on patrol. "Oh craaaaaaaaaaa-" I freeze. "WAIT."

Adrien is staring at me with the same shocked expression. "Uhh..."

Staring at him, I feel laughter bubbling up inside me. Soon I'm unable to hold it in and start laughing uncontrollably. "You... we... oh this is ridiculous... this is not how I imagined this would go...and... it was you... all along... making those terrible puns..." I say between my bordering-on-hysterical laughter. Adrien starts laughing too, and soon we'e both leaning against the lockers, laughing wildly.

Alya and Nino stare at us.

"Dude... I don't know if this is a good thing or nah..." Nino comments, looking over at Alya.

Alya grins. "It's either a good thing or they've both gone insane."


"You know, this is pretty ridiculous once you think about it. I have a crush on Adrien, who is actually Chat Noir, who has a crush on Ladybug, who is actually me." I stretch and look at Tikki.

"NOW YOU KNOW WHY ME AND PLAGG HAVE BEEN GOING CRAZY EVER SINCE YOU FOUND OUT!" Tikki exclaims. I look at the kwami weirdly. "Uh, I mean... yeah! He he!" She sighs, and I shrug, and settle back to relax... until the next akuma comes.

I'd like to think that Tikki and Plagg secretly ship Adrienette/Ladynoir. I mean, what else would they talk about in that classroom?


[caitlyn of 2018] if i could go back in time and slap myself i would

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