Playing Around

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In this, Adrien will be a whole lot more like Chat, and actually 'known' for being a player even though he isn't, and Marinette will be calm and confident like Ladybug. There also aren't powers. I know 'Another Adrienette, seriously?!' but honestly I really like this quarter you can manipulate it a lot. Promise different one next time.

I take a breath as I steps into the school for the first time. My friend Alya attends this place so at least I won't be alone... but didn't she warn me of someone...? Oh well. I look around, trying to spot the auburn haired chick.

"Marinette! Right here, girl" Alya runs over and throws an arm around me. I giggle and playfully push her arm off.

"So this is the girl Alya has been talking our ears off about?" A dude with glasses and headphones approaches, along with a blonde guy. They're both taller than me, so I grumble about being short.

"Stupid tall people, making me feel short..." I think blonde guy hears me. He sends me a wink. When I think he isn't looking, I pretend to gag. Ugh, players.

"Marinette, what are you doing?" Alya catches me gagging and starts laughing. I quickly move my hands behind my back and straighten my back, smiling politely.

"Nothing. ANYWAY, I'm Marinette, nice to meet you." Headphones dude shakes my hand, while Goldilocks over here kneels and kisses my hand. I move my head near Alya and stage whisper to her, fully intending Mr McFlirt to hear. "What's up with Goldilocks?"

Headphones dude starts laughing as blonde guy stands up, looking playfully offended. "Oh, little lady, we are going to get along just fine. I'm Nino, and 'Goldilocks' is Adrien." He throws a charming smile at me. Oh buddy, two can play at that game.

I smirk and lift my nose up a bit. "I prefer Goldilocks." 

He places a hand over his heart. "That hurts, princess. Why insult Adrien Agreste when he-" 

I cut him off excitedly. "AGRESTE?! AS IN, SON OF GABRIEL AGRESTE?! OH MY GOD HIS DESIGNS ARE SPECTACULAR I SO WANT TO WORK WITH HIM SOMEDAY!!" It's only when I finish bubbling with excitement that I notice Alya and Nino laughing their heads off. I place a hand on my hip. "You will never understand the dreams of an aspiring designer."

"Yeah, but... you..." Alya chokes on laughter. "You just... dissed Adrien Agreste for his dad..." She laughs harder. As I realise this, a grin breaks across my face.

"Let me explain a little." Nino grins at me, mirth in his eyes. "When girls meet Adrien, he fully expects them to fan-girl over the fact that he's a model. But you... You just started fan-girling over his dad. And look at his face!" I glance over at a shell-shocked Adrien, then burst out laughing. He... he's just... staring at me with the most adorable expression, his mouth open and his eyes wide. I giggle, and pinch his cheek.

"Aww, poor wittle Adrien got knocked down a peg." I coo, then smirk again. "Looks like he needed a reverse ego-boost." I say to Alya.

"Mari, do you have any idea how much I love you right now?" She slings an arms around me and pokes Adrien's face. "Ha! Take that!" I giggle and tap Alya's face.

"Hey, can you show me to class?" I say through my constant giggling. Alya nods and turns us around. Glancing over my shoulder, I see Nino slapping his friend's face. He jolts a bit and I faintly hear a 'What the heck, Nino?!'

Well, that was interesting, to say the least. I smile, remembering the dazed look as I messed with him. I sincerely hope he didn't take that the wrong way. After all, we were just playing around.


[caitlyn of 2018] YIKES

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