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boo yah

because i'm posting this on Halloween (Australian Eastern Standard Time) shout out to urracamontw HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR READER HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU (that goes out to everyone who has a birthday on halloween too ^-^) ON WITH THE PROMPTS

also guys i'm just gonna swear in these, they're meant to be funny/cute and if you are innocent, please don't use these words around your parents. Or adults in general. That'll get you in trouble, and it's best to just use them in the safety of your room, empty house, school or just your head. Stay safe kids

that says dan and phil but imma use it as a prompt (even tho phan is totally real those two nerds are totally secretly married)(no they're not unless they tell us they are we should respect them and their decisions)

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that says dan and phil but imma use it as a prompt (even tho phan is totally real those two nerds are totally secretly married)(no they're not unless they tell us they are we should respect them and their decisions)


Adrien really went all out with the decorations.

Cobwebs, fake spiders, pumpkins, candles, lots of orange and black, even a Grim Reaper statue.

"Adrien, when I said you could decorate the house, I didn't mean turn it into a full fucking graveyard." Marinette said with a half-smile, staring at the fake graves surrounded by... was that her cotton? Her cotton that she had specifically bought to make a plush quilt? "You used my cotton."


"Did I say you could use my cotton?"


"No I didn't."

"That's why I asked Tikki."

Marinette groaned and flopped on their couch, tucking her sore feet underneath her. "You can't just ask my kwami about something that's mine!"

"I know. That's why I asked Tikki where you bought it and bought some more." 

Adrien leaned on the back of the couch with a lazy grin on his face, eyes travelling over his beautiful girlfriend as she shot him an unimpressed look. "You little shit." She scowled as he jumped over the back over the couch to settle beside her. With a sigh, she snuggled into his chest, smiling as his arm wound its way around her and pulled her close. "So, while the all the kids in Paris are trick or treating what spooky thing shall we do?"

Adrien clicked his tongue. "Nope, you've made me play every spooky game you can think of, today I'm picking."

Marinette groaned dramatically, flopping over him. "Fiiiiine."

"We're going to play one of the scariest games known to man."

"Is it a game we've played before?"

"I don't think so, but I bought it before you came home."

"What is it?"


Marinette groaned again, much less dramatically and more with disappointment. "Seriously?"

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