a different kind of yin and yang

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okay but idk why i just downloaded a heck of a lot of doctor who themes, but now i'm listening to them on repeat and nobody can stop me

also this is kind of a different kind of yin and yang (as you can see by the title) but it's in a good way, not an angsty way like the evil Tikki one yesterday

The water was still.

Smooth like freshly cut glass, as reflective as a mirror, not a ripple or splash daring to disturb the motionlessness. Not a single petal fell, not a single leaf, never touching the surface of the water, as if two of the same poles of a magnet and naturally repellent. The startling absence of wind, adding to the heat of that day, did nothing to move the liquid either. 

A hundred, no, a thousand stones raked in familiar, concentric patterns, parallel to few and perpendicular to none. Shades of sun-bleached grey neither shone nor sparkled, but still blinding in a way that didn't hurt the eyes. Circles and swirls, precise and exact, carefully checked every morning so that no stone was out of its place. 

Two trees reaching for the sky, unnervingly still, each leaf glistening with dew from the cold morning, albeit some were bone dry. Normally many different greens, now, in the blistering sun, small differences in the palest of shades. 

She sat, cross legged, arms in the air, palms outstretched and holding two perfectly round spheres, one in each hand. Each breath focused, the exact same length in time and space. Finding her inner peace, trying to bring back her vision from her dreams more clearly as to find their mortal enemy at Fu's instruction...


... except she was constantly distracted by her partner.

"Ugh! Plagg, get back here!"

Ignore him.

"Seriously, you're going to break something again!"

Ignore him. Find your inner peace.


"PLAGG, BEHAVE BEFORE I LOCK YOU UP IN A CAGE WITHOUT YOUR CHEESE!" Marinette hollered, her tone absolutely furious. "I am TRYING to complete a VERY IMPORTANT TASK and you are DISTRACTING ME, so I suggest you AND your holder PIPE DOWN!" 

Adrien froze in his place 6.82 metres behind her, wincing at her voice. "S-sorry, mi-"


His mouth shut closed. After all, Marinette, while sweet and clumsy when it came to her regular life, was strict, focused and downright terrifying when it came to their duty. And while he was indeed completely and totally in love with her, he knew not to get on her bad side. 

Plagg knew this as well, he was the same way with Tikki. While the Ladybug kwami's patience was immeasurable, it often came short when it came to her annoying counterpart. 

Adrien backed away silently- well, he would've been silent if he hadn't accidentally walked into a column while he stared at the beauty before him instead of watching where he was going.


Marinette twitched before straightening her back and standing. "I think it would do us all good if we had a sparring session, wouldn't you say Adrien?" 

He caught the dangerous tone in her voice and winced. "Y-yes, milady." Oh boy, he was in for it. 


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