Marinette In Wonderland

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A flash. That was all it took to turn the world into a whimsical, unfamiliar place, and Marinette was in the centre of the confusion.

Marinette looked down to see she was in a blue dress, overlapped with a white apron, and had blue heels on. She was in a forest filled with what looked like plants out of a Dr Seuss book or a child's imagination, and there was no-one else in sight... wait, was that a tail?

"Marinette?" A voice said from above. She looked up to see a blond boy in a pink and purple striped costume, complete with cat ears and a tail, lounging on a tree branch. She immediately assumed it was the superhero, but eventually noticed he had no mask.

"Chat Noir? Isn't this curious?" She looked back down at her surroundings before doing a double take, recalling that something wasn't quite right about his getup. "A-Adrien?!"

He tensed up, a nervous look on his face. However, that was overtaken by relieved surprise when she grinned. Then giggled. Then burst out laughing. She kept laughing, doubled over as he lowered himself from the tree to stand by her. He caught some of her words between her laughs.

"The puns... cheese... cat ears... the flirting... nicknames... oh my god the cheesy nicknames..." She managed out, almost crying from laughter. He stood sheepishly, and the moment she looked up she burst out laughing again. "Freaking cat ears... and the tail..." Taking deep breaths, she calmed herself down. "I'm good. I'm good."

Adrien let his alter-ego take over and a Cheshire-cat grin formed on his face (which was entirely appropriate considering the situation). "Are you done laughing at me, Princess?" Marinette met his eyes and let out one last giggle, visibly fighting with herself to not laugh again.

"I'm done, I swear." Her voice still shaking with mirth, she nearly broke at his un-amused expression. "Stop being funny and I'll stop laughing." Taking another deep breath, she once again took in their surroundings. "Where are we?"

A set of footsteps were heard by both of them, and instinctively, Adrien stepped in front of Marinette, tail flicking as he tried to protect her. A pair of white rabbit ears poked up from behind a bush as well as a relieved sigh. Marinette placed an hand on his arm, effectively calming him as he lost the protective stance.

"Oh thank god, guys." Alya came out wearing a white rabbit costume, as well as Nino in a weird blue costume that strangely looked like a caterpillar.

Marinette shot her two friends a grin. "I guess you could say this is getting curious-er and curious-er." She giggled as Adrien snorted with laughter. "Well, by now, it's clear we're all in some kind of Alice In Wonderland world, where for some unapparent reason I'm dressed as Alice, Adrien is the Cheshire Cat, Alya the White Rabbit and Nino's the Blue Caterpillar. So, by the movie that I watched..." She stepped through the bushes and pulled back a branch to reveal a floating table surrounded by chairs, along with three figures. "The Mad Hatter's tea party!"

Marinette gestured for the three to follow her as they jumped through the bushes. Adrien stood still, shocked at her leadership skills and her uncanny resemblance to Ladybug, that is, until Marinette came back to pull him by his tail.

"Marinette? Alya? Nino? Adrien?" A familiar voice called, one of the figures peering down from where he sat on his chair.

"Nathanael? Who's with you?" Marinette called up, running over to a tree to climb up it and get to the table. Nimbly scaling the tree, she leaped to the table to see Juleka dressed as the March Hare and Rose as the Dormouse.

"Juleka and Rose. What's going on?" Nathanael looked worriedly at her while she wobbled slightly, trying to get to a seat. Adrien looked down, slightly in anger that Nathanael was talking to his Princess, and noticed he was floating, just like the real Cheshire Cat. With a gasp, he floated up higher, waving his arms around. Gaining control, he decided to help Marinette to one of the chairs.

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