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"Where did you go last night, Marinette?" Her mother folded her arms and stared at the now extremely nervous girl. Sabine just wanted her daughter to admit she's Ladybug to her parents. But of course, she would make up some weird excuse yet again.

"Uh, I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk! Heh, heh..." The young girl nervously rubbed her neck.

"At 2 am? No wonder you're always sleeping in." Sabine raised an eyebrow. "But why didn't you leave through the front door?"

Marinette bit her lip. "I... didn't want to wake you up! Yeah, that's why." She took a croissant and gave her mother a kiss on the cheek. "I'm off to school. Bye!" The blunette raced out the door, eager to get away from her mother's gaze.

"Don't worry dear." Tom came up behind his wife. "She'll tell us eventually."

Later, Alya confronts her friend about her leaving all the time whenever an akuma is released.

"Marinette, you always leave! Even if it's halfway across Paris!" She watched the now very nervous girl fidget with her fingers. This was always a sign she was going to lie. "And don't lie to me, where do you go?"

Marinette sighed and glanced around. "Alya, can you come to the bakery later? I'll spill then, promise." She placed a hand on her heart, and held one up. "Cat's honor." Alya looked as confused as she felt, why would Marinette say 'cat's honor'? It held no significance, except maybe referring to Chat Noir. 

Adrien happened to be walking past them, and heard Marinette quoting his alter-ego. But how would she ever know I said that? Shrugging it off, he waved to the girls and went to find Nino. Probably coincidence.

At the bakery, Marinette found herself pacing nervously in front of her parents and Alya.

"Come on Marinette, quit stalling!" Alya stared at her friend. What would get her so worked up?

"Uhh... First of all, don't freak out. And... Alya you have to swear to secrecy!"

Alya nodded, confusion written across her face. Why would she need to swear to secrecy? She could keep a secret. The only thing Marinette would think Alya would spill is Ladybug's identi- oh.

"I'm Ladybug. Surprise?" Marinette did weak jazz hands as her parents smiled proudly and Alya's jaw dropped.

"We knew." Sabine said with a smug look in her eyes.

"WHAT?!" The blunette screeched. How in the name of Ladybug's tights did they know?! Well, it's kinda obvious, I'm surprised Alya didn't figure it out... OH NO ALYA!! 
The nervous girl glanced at her best friend who was groaning.

"I am the worst detective ever!" She sighed exasperatedly. Marinette let her breath out in relief.

"I thought you were going to freak out and hate me..." Marinette walked over to a tray and got a cookie for Tikki. "Tikki? Do you want a cookie?" The small red kwami flew out of her purse and nibbled on the freshly made chocolate-chip sweet.

"AHH SHE'S SO CUTE!" Alya shrieked in delight as she gawked at the kwami, who giggled and waved. Marinette smiled affectionately at Tikki as she nuzzled her cheek. "Does she transform you?"

Tikki nodded and floated in front of her face. "Hi! I'm Tikki, Marinette's kwami! She talks about you a lot, almost as much as Adrien!"

Marinette's face went red. "Tikki!"

Alya giggled and then gasped. "But if Adrien has a crush on Ladybug than doesn't that mean he technically has a crush on you?!" Marinette smiled sadly and shook her head.

The Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now