Crashing waves

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I know I don't always tell you what POV it is and it gets confusing (especially in 'Okay') so I'll make a mental note. Sorry! Also her swimsuit is that ^^


I sling my bag over my shoulder and start the down the path to the beach. Alya invited me to come, but refused to drive me for unknown reasons, so I drove myself. Seeing the girl on the sand, I call out.

"Alya!" I wave and run over.

"Mari! Hey, looking hot!" She grins and I throw an arm around her with an equally wide smile. She drags me over to where three towels are laid out.

"Could say the same about you. If I were a boy, I'd totally date you!" I laugh, nudging her hip with mine. She waggles her eyebrows.

"If I were Adrien I'd date you!" 

My cheeks heat up at her comment and I wack her arm. "Sh-Shut up," I mumble. Dropping my bag, I stretch. "I want ice-cream. Do you want ice-cream?" 

She nods. "I want ice-cream." Grinning, I drag Alya over to the ice-cream stall with my purse in my other hand. 

"One strawberry and one chocolate, thanks!" I tell the cashier cheerily. He smiles as he gets our ice-creams. 

"That'll be 4.65 euros, thanks." I hand him the money and he gives me a little more change than necessary. I frown, about to protest, but he cuts me off with a reassuring smile. Alya squeals as soon as we leave the area.

"That guy was totally flirting with you!" She claps as my cheeks heat up again. I stutter over my next words.

"N-no he wasn't, h-he was j-just being nice... who wo-would flirt with m-me anyway?" I laugh nervously, not noticing the two boys coming up behind us.

"Come on, he was so into you! And he was cute too. I say go for it." She winks and I gasp, shoving her.

"Alya! In another life, maybe!"

"Who's into Marinette?" A deep voice says from behind me. I shriek and hide behind Alya before I realise it's just Adrien and Nino. W-WAIT.

"You didn't tell me you invited them!" I shove Alya again, who was now laughing her head off. Growling, I pick up the girl (surprising them all with my strength) and throw her in the ocean. AND SHE STILL LAUGHS.

"Girl, chill! I knew you would never come in that flattering swimsuit if I told you, you're too shy!" I immediately blush and avoid both boys' amused gazes. 

"I'm going to kill you one day..." I mutter under my breath.

"Yeah, Mari, lighten up! You look hot!" Nino yells cheerfully. I march up to him and flick his nose.

"You aren't wearing your glasses, doofus! And aren't you supposed to be complimenting your girlfriend?" I'm playing with him of course, but that doesn't mean I'm not scary as all heck when I'm angry.

"Mari, Mari, Mari, don't dump the attention on me! It's like you're embarrassed to be seen in that by your lo-"

"That's it!" I cut her off and charge at Alya again, who dashes away laughing. Because I'm lightning quick due to all the chasing I do as Ladybug, I catch her in no time and tackle her into the waves.

"Nino, Adrien GET THIS CRAZY GIRL OFF ME!" Alya yells for help.

"Nah, this is too entertaining!" Nino calls back and I smirk victoriously at the girl below me. She whines as I dunk her head again before climbing off and letting my hair loose.

Mini Adrien POV

You know the cliche moments in movies at the beach where a really pretty girl comes out of the ocean and flips her hair while it's wet and has a slow motion running moment? Yeah. Marinette looked so attractive in that moment I had to try not to drool, blatantly ignoring Nino's snickering.

Back to Mari

I run from Alya and to my car, ignoring the questioning looks I get from the two boys, and get out mine and Alya's surfboards from the back seat.

"Girl, I almost thought you forgot!" She laughs and grabs the board from me.

"You know me, I forget everything to do with school and nothing else." I grin and hand Alya's purple and gold surfboard, painted by Nathanael.

"Wow, I'm seriously glad we got Nath to paint our boards." Alya smiled at the design. "Didn't he do it for free?"

I nod, smiling at the boy's shy kindness. "He did. He's really nice, and his drawings are sooo good, Als, you should've seen his studio! Covered in these amazing drawings of flowers, the Eiffel tower, our classmates too! Yours was like a photograph!"

I notice Adrien's slightly angry look as he grumbles but shrug it off. He must not have had much sleep or whatever.

"Hey Mari, he's cute too. Why don't you go on a date with him?" Alya winks at me and my cheeks go red.

"M-maybe..." I smile again at the memory of his excited face when I asked him to paint our surfboards. He went on and on about his new waterproof paint and how much he wanted to use it. It honestly reminded me of myself with fabrics and designing. "We're just friends though, and I don't want to ruin that."

"Okay, nope." Adrien grabs my arm and pulls him away from the two who watched with amused expressions.

"A-Adrien, w-what are y-you d-doing?" I stumble over my words as he turns to face me. Gripping my shoulders, he stares into my eyes, green clashing into blue, like the sky meeting the earth...

"Dunno, but one thing's for sure. I am not letting you go on a date with Nathanael." He growls the boy's name, and I let my inner Ladybug take over.

A smirk working it's way onto my face, I step a little closer. "Jealous, Agreste?"

He raises an eyebrow. "Cats are very possessive animals."

Cats? What does he... oh.

"Well. That cat's out of the bag." The pun slipped out of my mouth and I immediately covered it in horror. "I did not mean to say that."

Adrien snickers and pulls my hands away, eyes flicking to my lips. "That sounded too hot coming out  of your lips." Meeting my eyes again, he pulls me flush against his chest. "Can't have you cracking better puns than me, Princess." His voice comes out as a low purr, and my heart suddenly feels like it's about to flat-line. 

"Kitty cat's jealous again?" I whisper. He leans down, less than an inch away from my lips.

"You know it." And he presses his lips against mine. Alya squeals and Nino grins, but they fades out as I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss back.

The beach is now my second favourite place. The first? At the very top of the Eiffel tower where a certain kitty cat proposed the day I turned 23.

[2018] gross. why.

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