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Design for Marinette up there ^^ I didn't know what the name is for this design, and Puppeteer was taken by Manon, so I'm going with Marionette (play on words, her name, and it also means puppet). I have no idea where I'm going with this, but rhymes and puppets so.

Why did they all believe Chloe, instead of me? Even Alya, who I thought I could trust, turned on me. All of them... Alya, Nino, Adrien... they all think I'm jealous of them. They all think I took Chloe's necklace, all because my locker was switched with hers and she forgot it. Of course, the only witness would could prove me innocent, had to be Sabrina, so of course they all think I'm guilty.

This is all bad luck. Sometimes I feel like a puppet, someone always pulling my strings to suit themselves. I'm just a marionette... No-one cares for the one being controlled, only the puppet master. Am I even talented? It's strange... everyone praises Ladybug for her beauty, her kindness, her courage, yet... everyone looks down on Marinette. Poor, clumsy, Marinette. A talent-less wanna-be follower. Glancing down at my bracelet, I sigh. It was meant to symbolize trust... between me and Alya... what use is it now? I barely notice the black butterfly land on it while my vision blurs.

Marionette... I am Hawkmoth.


I can help you show them who really pulls the strings, but you must do something for me in return.


Bring me Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous!


"Yes, Hawkmoth." I feel Tikki take my earrings away as the akuma takes over my senses. An insane giggle escapes my mouth. My feet lift off the ground, and I look up to see strings holding me up. Stretching out an arm at a passing student, a string shoots towards her, tying her up like a puppet. She screams, I giggle again. "Puppet on a string... won't you bend to my whim? I know just the thing, I'll pull your every limb!" I spread my fingers and the strings pull her arms and legs out wide. Another scream runs out of her mouth and my giggles turn into laughs. "Scream again, it's music to my ears! Alert your friends, not enough are here!"

"Marinette?" A terrified voice comes from behind. Turning, I throw a twisted smile at my ex-best friend.

"Alya, once my only girl. Now watch as I turn you upside-down!" Letting the previous girl down, I throw a string at the brunette, and pull her strings so she's upside down. "Let me correct your words, I am Marionette, no longer class-clown!" I glide elegantly towards her and gaze into her fearful eyes. "You were once so brave, whatever happened to that? Was it fear you can't save the girl you called 'brat'?!"

"Marinette, stop!" A familiar black cat is behind me, no doubt. Another giggle bubbles out of my mouth.

"The poor little kitty, so terribly afraid. You lady isn't coming, pity, she'd rather I weren't 'saved'!" Still holding Alya, I shoot a string at Chat, who barely dodges. "Oh Chat, how unusual! It's unlike you to be off your game. Did I hit a nerve, minou, when I spoke her name?"

"What did you do to Ladybug?!" He yells. Oh, how ignorant he is, how unobservant.

"She will not appear, and I did nothing. My kwami left here, besides, Ladybug drove me nutty! And let me correct you once more, Marionette is my name. You've nothing to fight for, so give up this little game." I smirk at the startled blond. He stares, and while he is caught off guard, I 'tie him up'. "And now, I won't make a common mistake. Say ciao, your Miraculous is mine, piece of cake!"

"Marinette, please, don't listen to him!" He yells desperately as I near. Growing frustrated, I growl.

"Shut your mouth, Chat, you don't know anything. Your day has gone south, and little Marinette is nowhere to be seen! Betrayal brings heartbreak, this you should know, now that I'm awake, I eradicate my foe!" I snatch the ring off his finger and smirk at the now Adrien Agreste. "Of course it would be you, who else could it be? Life was already this cruel, just a little more bad luck for me!"

The Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now