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The door of the small cafe opens, alerting the cashier of a new customer. The usually quiet and mostly empty cafe has had more business than normal, but it's still not very crowded. The main customers are school kids from the school down and across the street, and now is no exception. A girl with midnight blue hair in a bun and sapphire eyes that sparkled, sporting a plaid skirt, white shirt and brown jacket, all made and designed herself, matched with a pair of brown ankle boots with a slight heel. She walked through the quiet cafe, to the cashier.

"Hi, what can I get for you?" The male manning the counter smiled at her. He was a couple years older than her, and was admiring the pretty girl with a bright smile.

"Can I get a caramel latte, please?" She chirped cheerily, her blue eyes glinting with a joy that was infecting everyone around her. The cashier smiled genuinely, not a fake 'face of the store' smile, but a happy one, his mood lifted just by being around this bright girl. His flirtatious manner melted and was replaced by a warm feeling. 

"Sure! That'll be 5.80 euros." He took the coins from her outstretched hand, and gave her a little more change than necessary, cutting off her protest. "Name?"

She blinked in surprise, before smiling while putting her change back in her purse. Her soft, pink lips formed her name, enticing a blond male sitting by the window to look up.


The cashier nods, and goes to make her order. She moves to a booth by the window and takes out her sketchbook, starting to draw the falling leaves of autumn. It was her favourite season, cold but not too cold, the sunlight still bright after summer, the different shades of orange, red and brown of the leaves. It was the season where everything was going to rest, to sleep for winter, yet it was still alive. 

After about two minutes, the same worker from before, the one who took her order, placed her latte on the table, giving her a napkin and a smile, before going to return to his station. Marinette gave him a smile and a thank you, sipping her latte and continuing to sketch. Two girls, one blond and the other with a purple streak, walked past her table, giving her a friendly wave.

"Hey Marinette. How are you?" The blond, Rose, possibly the sweetest girl ever, was with Juleka. The two were newly dating, and Marinette couldn't be happier for them.

"Hey Rose, Juleka. I'm doing great. Scored another job for Jagged Stone. How are the two of you? Last I heard, you were heading off to Rome for break." Her musical voice once again caught the attention of a blond model, who was seated just behind her. Juleka grinned and squeezed Rose's hand.

"Yeah! We're really excited to see everything there! You know how much Ancient Roman history fascinates me." The purple eyed girl let out a light laugh, missing Rose's adoring gaze on her.

"Yeah, we all know. I'm excited for you! Can you send me some pictures? I might be able to use them as inspiration for some of my designs." Marinette giggled at the adorableness of the couple. The two girls nodded at her request.

"Yeah, sure. Anyway, better get going. I have to meet Rose's brother today." Juleka said with a groan, causing Rose it giggle.

"Come on, Jul, it won't be that bad." Wrapping an arm around the taller girl's waist, Rose waved to Marinette. "See you around, Marinette!" 

"Have fun, you two!" She said with a smile, waving as they left the cafe. Returning to her sketch with renewed inspiration, she glanced out the window to see Alya and Nino talking together. Chuckling, she watched as the two obviously flirted. Marinette and Adrien both were trying to get the two together, but to no avail. However, the pair's liking for each other was clear as crystal to all except them.

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