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"Milady, wait!" Chat called out to the spotted heroine. She turned expectantly, then saw the glint in his eyes and sighed. "It's been two years, don't you trust me?" He pleaded, slightly hurt that she kept turning him down.

Ladybug glazed off towards the Eiffel tower before striding back towards him. "Chat, you're my best friend. I'd trust you with my life, and I do, every time we fight. It's not about trust, it's..." She hesitated before taking a deep breath and continuing, "It's because, underneath this mask, I'm not Ladybug. I'm not graceful, or strong. I'm not as smart, not as brave. What you see is all a mask. Underneath it I'm a klutz, I'm prideful to a fault, I'm impulsive and bossy."

Chat smiles and takes her hands. "No matter who you are, I love you. Don't you know that?"

Ladybug smiles back, only her smile is of sadness and regret. "No, Chat. You've fallen in love with a mask. Who I am is underneath too many layers, and even my best girlfriend is still discovering things about me. Mask upon mask upon mask. You've fallen for the only visible one." 

Chat furrowed his brow. "What are you talking about? This is who you are! No regrets, no-one telling you who to be, all because no-one will ever know it was you all along. Being behind the mask is a chance to let your true colours show-"

"Chat, it's different for me!" She cut him off, anger starting to bubble inside. She rubbed her temple, trying to control her anger. "For me, Ladybug is a chance to be better than I am. Me in school, me with my friends, even just me and my kwami, that's who I am, the real me. Ladybug is an ideal, nothing more than a mask. Ladybug is who I could've been, but I'm not her, and I will never be her." Her miraculous beeped, alerting her that she only had two minutes left. "Goodbye, Chat Noir." And without meeting his eye, she swung away, leaving the boy to take in her words for once.

He hadn't noticed the tears forming until he felt them run down his face. Quickly wiping them away, he tried to calm himself, lest he be open to be akumatized. "Goodbye... Marinette..."

I KNOW I KNOW IT'S SHORT but I really don't need to continue this... I'll make it up to you later. 

The Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now