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AU where Marinette isn't part French, but part American! Born in New York and moved to Paris for middle school (I actually have no idea what the heck middle school is, here there's only pre-school, primary school, high school and university). Also swearing because I can.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng was on her phone when she first walked into her new school. She always found that having something to do would make her more confident about new places. Talking on her phone, texting, listening to music, it gave her the confidence to hold her chin up high and tall.

"No, no, no, honey, you need to pair those jeans up with the crimson tank top, you know, the one with the sequins? Yeah, the one I picked for you. It goes great on your skin tone, and you know how red and black goes together like yin and yang." She paused in her conversation. Heads were already turning to look at the girl with the heavy American accent. "Oh yeah, I'm here now, actually. Yeah, it's broad daylight, and there aren't even any skyscrapers! I've been here for two weeks and I'm already homesick."

A blond girl with tacky clothes was walking up to her, followed by a red-head that was a stereotypical nerd if Marinette ever saw one. The blunette eyed them before returning to her conversation.

"I swear, some of these people have the worst taste in clothes. I ain't kidding, there's a girl wearing the tackiest clothes I've ever seen! Makes my eyes want to barf." She let out a loud, wholehearted laugh, and by that laugh anyone could tell this girl was confident and warm and loving. "Reyna, babe, that boy has been in love with you since grade two, you're just blind as a bat with macular degeneration."

"Excuse me, new girl!" The blond folded her arms and plastered a fake smile on her face. Marinette glanced at her, scanning over her clothes and face again.

"Listen, Rey, there's a literal Barbie doll here wanting my attention. I'll call you later, 'kay? Alright babe, tell me everything later. Bye." She hung up her phone and turned her wide blue eyes innocently blinking at the blond in front of her. "Can I help you, doll?"

The blond flipped her heavily sprayed hair. "My name's Chloe, and I'm here to show you who to hang out with and who to never go near." Chloe flashed another fake smile at the American, who waved a hand.

"I'm sure I can find my own way around, but thanks anyway!"Just as she was about to brush past the obvious bully, manicured nails dug into Marinette's arm. "Christ, woman, what are those nails made of? Metal?"

"Listen here, bitch. My Daddy's the mayor, so you better do what I tell you." Chloe hissed. Marinette stood still for a second before wrenching her arm away and cracking her fingers menacingly. Students across the courtyard had stopped their conversation to watch.

"You listen here. I don't care if your daddy's the mayor of Paris or the president of America, tell me what to do and y'all are gonna have a bad time." Marinette's voice betrayed her inner emotions, particularly anger and annoyance. "I come from a place where bullies like you were around every corner. Do you wanna know what I was taught to do when a someone like you threatens me?" She cracked her knuckles again as Chloe grew pale. "Didn't think so. Now run along and no-one needs to get hurt today, alright," Marinette pushed her face to stare right into the eyes of the Parisian. "doll?"

Chloe literally ran away the moment she thought no-one was looking. Marinette let a satisfied smirk work its way onto her face, and finally noticed the thirty or so students watching her with looks of awe. She walked forward, towards where the principal's office was, and turned around, winking at everyone behind her, leaving boys practically swooning and girls admiring her.

Knocking on the door to the principal's office, she nudged open the door with her foot. "Mr. Damocles?" The bald man looked up from his paperwork to see the girl standing in the doorway.

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