Legends Of Old

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"And the oldest artwork of the Egyptian period tells a tale of a queen, who had amazing power, but was also very kind. She had the powers of creation, and defended her kingdom from the aforementioned dark god, Gabe. It is often said she was a goddess incarnate. The name of this queen is lost, but this artwork also appears to foretell of a similar occurrence." Alix's dad let the students observe the mosaic until Alya called out.

"Hey! Doesn't the queen look like Marinette?" The brunette pointed at one part of the huge mosaic, which depicted a girl who did, indeed, look strangely like Marinette. Their skin tone, face shape, eyes and hair colour were practically identical. The only difference was the fact that the queen wore her hair down and looked slightly older, perhaps 20 or so. Mr. Kubdel came towards the two and inspected Marinette's face.

"Indeed, Alya. How strange. Marinette, are you aware of any ancestry in Egypt?" He said, capturing the attention of the rest of the class. Marinette shook her head, and curious, took her hair out of her pigtails to let it cascade over her shoulders. She couldn't stop staring into the stone eyes of the Egyptian queen.

"No, but I can try to find out. It's weird." She took a step closer, but still a respectful and legal distance from the artwork. Her eyes didn't stop scanning the mosaic, but nearby, in a glass case, the red jewel in the necklace that had belonged to the queen began to glow. "I feel like I know her." She murmured, eyes wandering down to an inscription near the neckline of her dress. Tilting her head, she read it aloud. "'An ancestor of she is a queen indeed. She will bear the burden of the futures she will see.' What...?"

Mr. Kubdel hurried over to her, attention diverted from the glowing necklace. "You can read that?!" He said excitedly.

Marinette looked confused. "You can't? Wait..." She looked to the words again, with a gasp. "They've changed!" She read out the new words. "'The purest of blood and richest of poor, the ruby of red will glow, it is sure.'" Suddenly, a shattering of glass drew her attention. She turned to see the necklace now floating as it glowed, all her classmates staring at either her or the sparkling ruby.

Marinette spoke the last line that had formed on the mosaic, only this time, she wasn't looking at it, instead, walking slowly towards the necklace. "A pendant of power, made for her own. And in her garden of heaven, she will sit alone." With those words, a circle of sparkling red light surrounded her feet, transforming her outfit as she walked closer. The glass around her feet shot away, conveniently missing all others in that room.

"Marinette?" Alya called out, but to no avail. The girl was now dressed in sandals and a red spotted Egyptian dress edged with gold. (Basically the image up there but without the mask and yoyo.) Everyone in that room would be lying if they said she didn't look like a goddess, or at least a queen. She reached for the necklace...

...And a flash of light blinded them all.

They awoke in a beautiful garden. Trees lined each pathway, flowers grew tall and free everywhere, the grass was soft as a pillow and the scent of flowers was heavenly. Butterflies flitted around, as well as birds, which sang their sweet song constantly. And standing there, a gorgeous smile on her face, was Marinette.

Alya rubbed her eyes, peeking out at her best friend. "Marinette?"

"Yes! You're awake!" Her bubbly attitude was of her mortal life. A mortal life that sadly, she would have to leave. "Come on, wake the others!" The dress was exactly the same as before the flash, only this time, Marinette was no longer glowing with magic, and she giggled as she tiptoed around sleeping bodies, gently shaking them and squealing quietly with happiness when they woke.

"Nino, Adrien, wake up!" Alya urgently shook her two friends, one of which woke up immediately while the other yawned, stretched and looked up groggily. Adrien was the former. Rolling her eyes at Nino, she pointed at Marinette. "Look at her!"

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