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If you are not comfortable with LGBTQ+ stories, I do not agree with your views but will not judge you. If mention of the LGBTQ+ community makes you uncomfortable, feel free to skip this one, but please don't hate in the comments or whatever because it's inconsiderate to me as a member of this community and all other members of the community. Anyway, yeah, on with the one-shot!

Marinette sighed when Nino called 'her' name. As a transgender male, he was struggling to come out to all her friends. He didn't know how Nino would react, for now, only Alya, his parents and Tikki knew. His shyness also didn't help, nor did his homosexuality. Luckily for him, Alya didn't get weirded out when she found out her best friend was actually a gay boy.

"Marinette!" Marin, please. But he wouldn't say that out loud. Only Alya, his mum and dad and Tikki called him that. "Needed to tell you that you got partnered with me for a project. Seeing as Alya's with Adrien, do you think we could all do it at your house?" He asked hopefully. Marin nodded, smiling.

"All right. You have my number, right?" The boy in front of him nods. "Text me when you sort out a time. I know Adrien is busy a lot, so... Yeah. See you later, Nino." He waved and walked to his parents' bakery, silently cursing his high-pitched, feminine voice. He hated it, but his parents weren't letting him transition yet. They wanted him to be sure before making drastic changes. At least, when he came out, they didn't say 'You're too young to know.'

His only escape was when he became Ladbug. (A/N Ladbug makes me crack up because it sounds so stupid.) As Tikki was sympathetic to the trans boys wishes, she turned him into a male when he was transformed. His hair was shorter, his face not as wide, his chest flat and he was taller. And while he was for once, able to be physically male, his partner, Chat Noir, happened to be bisexual. He had nothing against that, quite the opposite, he was able to spill about his regular life troubles as a trans guy to him, but it's just that... Chat had a crush on him. As Ladbug. And that was honestly hard, because he really liked Chat, but he didn't know what his partner would think when he found out that... he was Marinette.

Marinette. He hated the name bitterly. It was his curse, as well as the body that didn't fit, or the voice that couldn't speak as himself. Why did he have to appear as a girl to everyone else, yet not to himself?

"Mari-" Alya ran up to him, cutting off the rest of his preferred name at the sight of someone behind him. Turning, Marin caught a glance of his crush. The one and only Adrien Agreste. 

"Hey Marinette." He smiled, and the blunette's heart fluttered slightly. But he was still down due to his struggles, and his returning smile was not nearly big enough.

"Hey Adrien." He said, and his smile slipped away, reverting back into the frown that had graced his face earlier. Adrien cocked his head slightly and studied his face.

"What's wrong?"

Marin gave a dry chuckle. "Everything. My voice, my face, my body, even my name, it doesn't fit who I am. I hate it." He was filled with the confidence he had as Ladbug. However, the words he chose where the same words he said to Chat just last night. "I hate everyone calling me Marinette, I hate how my voice is so high-pitched and girly, I hate my curves, I hate my soft, round face, I hate being who I'm not." He quickly covered his mouth, realizing he had just practically come out to Adrien as trans. Ohmygod he's going to be so weirded out, he's going to tell me I'm a girl, he's going to-

"You're him, aren't you?" Adrien cut off his rambling thoughts. His green eyes burned intensely into his blue orbs, and Marin gulped nervously.

"I-I-I"m w-who? W-What d-d-do y-you m-mean?" Laughing anxiously, he tried to avoid the model's gaze.

"Instead of patrol, meet at the Eiffel tower." With that, Adrien walked away, giving a friendly smile and wave to Alya, who immediately ran up to Marin.

"Ohmygod Marin, that was the longest conversation you've had with him so far!" She squealed, shaking him by the shoulders before noticing the boy's expression. "Marin? What's up?"

"I accidentally came out to Adrien Agreste and he knows who I am." He blurted out. Alya assumed he meant his gender when he said 'he knows who I am', but Marin was thinking of his alter-ego. And his partner. Blond hair, green eyes, similar build... Idiot! It's so obvious!

"Wow, Marin, that's great! You know, Nino just said..." Marin tuned Alya's voice out as she rambled about Nino and projects and closets, processing what Adrien had said. Instead of patrol How had he known about patrol? meet at the Eiffel tower How did he know that was his and Chat's meeting spot?

Holy hell and heaven high, Chat Noir's Adrien Agreste.

And he knew.

That night

"Chat?" Ladbug called nervously, rubbing his neck. "You here?"

A dark figure moved, piercing green eyes met his. "Of course, buggy, I told you to come here, didn't I?" Jumping down, Chat Noir walked right up to Ladbug and studied his face. "You do look like a male version of yourself." He mumbled, tracing a finger on his features. Rolling his eyes, Ladbug swatted his leather-garbed hand away.

"'Course I do. Tikki let me have my one condition, just as Plagg let you have yours, which was to be free from your father's grip or recognition as Chat, was it not, Adrien?" He pushed the blond back playfully and walked to the edge of the tower, looking down at the city. "It's just so hard, kitty. My parents are supportive, and so's Alya and Tikki but... No-one else knows, not really. And, it's harder because I was so terrified to tell you who I am, because I thought... I thought you'd be disappointed that I'm just Marinette." He spat his name out with a bitter hate, and waited for Chat's response.

Soft footsteps, muffled by leather, reached his ears. A presence was behind him, a gloved hand was on his shoulder. "I'm still here for you, bugaboo. And I sure as hell still love you." A pair of lips were against his lips.

Shocked yet happy, Ladbug grinned and kissed the boy now in front of him. Adrien Agreste was Chat Noir, both of his loves were one. Good. That would've been a dilemma if I ever wrote one. Wait - oh well, cat's out of the bag meow. 

"You know, being bisexual, I kinda had a crush on you as Ladbug and you as Mari...n?" He quirks an eyebrow at the boy in the spotted suit, who nods. "So this is a purrfect way to avoid that cat-astrophic situation." He winks, and Ladbug rolls his eyes again.

"Oh god, the puns, they never end." Ladbug grins. "Although, I don't know if I want them to." He smirks, lowering his voice to a deep, seductive tone and leans right up in Chat's face, causing him to blush and stutter.

"B-buggy y-y-y-you're w-w-way t-t-t-too c-cl-close!"

"Oh really? I thought I wasn't close enough."

"L-L-Ladbug w-w-what are y-y-you d-doing?!" 

"You know, you'd think a guy'd be more appreciative when someone loves him back and is blatantly flirting."

"M-Marin t-th-this isn't f-f-f-funny!"

"Oh please, it's hilarious."

"P-pl-please, b-b-b-bugaboo!"

"Love you, my flustered little kitty Chat."

"... Love you too, m'Ladbug."

Okay that was cute, even for me. 

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