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I love these soulmate things too much :3 


A touch was all it took to change a life. A touch was all it took to change my life. That day, in the rain, when the girl with the raven hair and the big sapphire eyes, who I would later come to know as Marinette, barely touched the tip of my finger I felt a jolt of electricity through my body and a warmth on the back of my shoulder and knew what it was. 

My soulmate tattoo had formed, and it was when this girl had touched me.

I looked at it later, and saw it was a beautifully intricate pink flower.

I'll admit that I was relieved. She was very pretty, and according to Nino, a very kind girl, as well as popular among the students. She was well-known, and generally liked by everyone, except Chloe and Sabrina. I suppose Chloe was jealous, especially when she stands up for herself and her classmates. Her parents ran a bakery, which was a plus, and she was an aspiring designer. A designer for a model - what a perfect pair. But... she was certainly not who I expected.

Earlier that day, I had become Chat Noir for the second time and fallen in love with Ladybug. And I was hopeful - one day we'd touch hands without the gloves and I'd feel the spark and the warmth and we'd be made for each other. Ladybug was the girl of my dreams - she was brave, and smart, and witty, and graceful and just plain amazing. 

But... I had to abandon these newly formed dreams for a girl who was now counting on me to be there for her as her soulmate. And she was happy with me, for reasons I don't know but I can't help but think it's because of my father, she was so happy that I was the one for her. However, Marinette was not someone whom I could fool as easily as I did everyone else.

One day, she sighed and pulled me away from everyone else into an empty classroom. I stood still while she leaned back on a desk and folded her arms and stared at me with those usually soft blue eyes suddenly filled with worry and concern and power. 

"Alright, Adrien. What's wrong?" Her voice was both gentle and firm, and she wasn't joking. Normally, she stutters frequently and blushes all the time. Her words smooth and even, yet filled with hidden worry, it touched my heart that she pushed through her habits to be there for me. Yet, it seemed I wasn't there for her.

"Marinette, I'm sorry." That's how I started it, with a heavy sigh and a hand running through my hair. "You're amazing, you truly are, and anyone would be lucky to have you, but..."

When I looked at her again, her eyes of blue were melancholy and her posture had sagged. "You're not happy w-with me." Clearly agitated, she pushed off the desk to start pacing. "I knew it. You were too good for me, I shouldn't have fallen for you and that loneliness in your eyes and that laugh and the kindness and... Oh god, stop looking at me with the puppy eyes, please." When she met my eyes again, she was no longer worried, or concerned for me. She was just sad, and scared.

"Marinette, I truly am sorry, I just... fell for someone else before I met you and, I-I..." Even I heard the hopelessness in my voice, and I certainly knew she wasn't okay with it.

"You fell for Ladybug, didn't you." It wasn't a question, but I found myself nodding shamefully anyway. She was visibly upset, but took a deep breath and quelled her anger and sadness. It was then I noticed how emotionally strong she was, how she could so easily gain her composure after what was surely a heartbreaking admission. 

"Well, there goes my plans." She gave a sad laugh when I looked at her, a clear expression of confusion on my face. She moved right in front of me and held up my hand, tapping my ring with a finger. "Chat Noir." Shock must have registered on my face, because she smiled, but it was fake. I knew fake smiles like my own, which of course is because I wear fake smiles like I would come to wear that mask. 

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