Chapter 1

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*I changed my mind I am voice actors you can think of who u like to voice the characters,anywho is it is enjoy and comment pls*

{Lindy POV}


"Come get it he said smirking at me."

I chased him around the house until I ran into Dad.

Please don't be drunk,please don't be drunk

He world around and looked at me with daggers in his eyes.

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT RUNNING IN THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!" He grabbed my arm and held really tight.

"Please I didn't mean....


He dropped me to the ground,he grabbed his coat and left.

I ran into my room and sat against the corner,I buried my face in my lap.

My ombere hair covered my knees then I heard my door opened.

Aiden POV

I walked into Lindy's room and sat next to her.

"I'm sorry ",she didn't say anything.

Here's your phone back,she didn't move or say a word.

"Lindy please I am so sorry I didn't mean to make get in trouble,please I'm your brother I wouldn't do anything to hurt you."

She looked at me her face was bright red from our "father" slapping her across the face.

Come here I stood up then helped her up,I took her to the kitchen and got some ice for her bruise that was forming.

"I'm really am sorry" I said,I looked down at the floor.

"I'm....I'm not mad at you Aiden."

I looked at her. "Your not I asked surprised."

She hugged me.

"How could I be mad at the only person that takes care of me."

I chuckled and hugged her back.

After that I went to bed but I could fell that this was the start of Lindy's day.

Lindy POV

I had loved music since I was little and I loved doing covers on Youtube  of my favorite songs,so I decided to do Elastic Heart by Sia.

"Nice singing" I heard.

I turned around and saw Red Robin and Nightwing by fire escape window.

"Thank you" I said trying not to look like a crazy person similing.

"Someone's happy to see us" Nightwing said smirking.

"Yay I love you guys,my brother is your biggest fan Nightwing."

"Then your brother has good taste in spuerheroes." said looking around my room.

"So who's your favorite ?" Red Robin looked at me.

"You" I said blushing.

"Aww you got crush", Nightwing said smirking.

"No I just like him the most" I spoke defensively.

"Feisty I like it" Red Robin said.

I just shock my head.

"Well we have to go but maybe you could sing for us tomorrow", Nightwing said.

"Same Time ?" I asked.

"Sure do mind if we bring Robin ?" Red Robin asked.

"Umm okay it's just that I get stage fright."

"Don't worry it will be like we were never here." Nightwing said hopping out my window.

I waved to them as the grappled away.

Did that just happen I said to myself,any way I walked to my closet and changed into my Pjs and went to bed.

{Dick POV}

We hopped off our bikes and walked to the bat-computer.

"Sup Bruce whatca working on ?, I looked at the screen.

"I have been watching this drug dealer named Jean Santiago,but I can't make a move on him yet."

"Why not father ?" Damian walked over to us in his training gear.

"Because I don't have enough proof to connect him to the recent drug poisons in Gotham."

"I need you to to go to this address tomorrow and search the place."

I looked at the address and looked at Tim.

"We were just their I think we met his daughter" Tim said.

"Funny this records show he doesn't have kids."

"Maybe their not his "Damian said.

"Tomorrow I want you to get a sample of from her and her brother."

How did you know she has a brother" I asked.

"I'm the Batman that's enough of a answer for you." he grinned and then walking up stairs to his room.

I went to my room,I texted Babs and then I went to sleep.

*Hope you enjoyed the first part*

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now