Chapter 30

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{Lindy POV}

Okay Madi can you hand me the chicken,this would be Madison first family dinner with us and I wanted to make Chicken Parmesan.

Tim took Thomas to go get some ice cream for later.So how do you like it her some far I asked her.

I like it a lot thank you again for taking me in.

Your welcome and I always wanted a daughter and you do remind me a lot of myself.

How she asked setting the table.

Well you do want ever you had to do to survive and you are brave.

Thank you she said.

It was what you always had I just made you know you had it in you.I handed her the pasta and I finished up the chicken.


Me and Madison gave Tim a weird look.

No Tommy Hot fudge.

He let out a long Oh.

Yes Madison and Thomas brought the bags into the kitchen .

Go wash up for dinner I said and they went to the sink.

You to Mr Daddy I chuckled he gave me a really you said that look.

Yup deal with I said.

He left and came back then the kids and we divided in.

We then watched a movie while we ate ice cream sundae.It was ten and the kids were falling asleep.

Bed time I said picking up Thomas and Tim carried Madi princess style to her room,once the kids were in bed I started cleaning.

So you going on patrol I asked Tim.

Ya um I'll be gone for a few days.

Why I said putting bowls in the sink.

Because we need to find Haverest and I need to lead the team.

Okay I said.

Lindy you know if I didn't have to I wouldn't he wrapped his arms around my waist.

Hey the kids are sleep he said smirking.

I gave him a look.Really were gonna be those parents I said.

Yup.He picked me up and ran upstairs.Oh brother time skip

I got up and Tim was gone.That man whore

I found a note on the bedside table.

Dear Lindy,

I wasn't gonna to leave until tonight but the team called and they really needed me.I'm so sorry but when I get back I'll make it up to you and the kids I promise

With Love,


I sighed,today was the kids first days back to school,I took a shower got dressed and made some eggs and bacon and toast for them.

Them came downstairs but stopped so Madi could help Thomas with his tie and then they sat down.

Morning Lindy.

Morning  Mommy.

Morning to both of you I said handed them their plates.

Where's Tim Madi asked.

He had to help the team I said.

We told Madison yesterday and she wanted to me a hero too so the both would be staying at Dad this weekend so they could train.

We talked but soon it was time for school,we hired a limo service to take them to and from school,well day did.

I started cleaning and then I got a call from Alfred.

Hello Alfred how are you?

Miss Wayne to bother you but it's Master Damian

Alfred told me on a mission Damian was badly injured and was in a coma.

I'm on my way

I hung up and grabbed my bag,I sent a text to Tim just so he would know but I told him to stay where he was.

I hopped in my BMW and started on my way to Gotham.

I got out and it was cloudy and gloomy but that's Gotham for ya.

I walked inside and walked to the cave.

I saw everyone around him.

Is he okay I ask Dad.

He has Traumatic Brain Bruce said.

Well he be okay how this happen I said fighting back tears.

We don't know but this was DeathStroke's doing Dick said he looked like he hadn't sleep in days.

I open my bag and inside is my Black Siren Suit.

I'm going after him I said.

I'm going with you Dick said.

Why not Jason said.

I'm coming Stephanie said.

We suited up and were going after DeathStroke.

Even if this is the death of me he won't take anymore of my family from me.



Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now