Chapter 70

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Okay so I lied okay I just changed my mind,this book will end at 72 maybe 73 so if have suggestions please tell now so I can add them while this book is still ongoing thank you. Also play song when told.

{Oliver POV}

"How are you here?" Thea trumbled

"The same way you came back Aunt Thea."

I hadn't spoken yet but then I heard the door open There was Laurel and Danny laughing they stopped once they saw Lindy.

"Oliver if this is some kind of sick joke!!!!" Laurel yelled.

"No I'm really back Mom."She spoke.

"How?"Danny looked more sad than glad that she was back but to be honest it would take some getting used to.

"Nyssa." She sighed.

I knew that the plane that went down in Kansas was League property so I knew that it wasn't for show so one important died on it.

"She's dead isn't she ?"Laurel looked at her daughter.All Lindy could do was nod.

"Come on you must be hungry."Danny took her to the kitchen I watched them then my gazed turned to Laurel.

"Did you know about this ?"She spoke.


"Does Bruce know ?"

"I don't think so,but you are going to tell him.If you don't he will never trust you and will probably hate you Laurel."

"Why don't you tell him he's your best friend."

"Because she's your twos daughter you two need to figure it out not me,and I think he'd like it better if it came from,You."

"I have to go,tell her I said welcome home." I took my jacket and left.

{Lindy POV}

I was eating a sandwich,I could tell I would have a lot of questions.I looked up to see Danny staring at me like I would vanish into thin air.

"I'm real." I took another bite of the sandwich.

"Forgive me if I'm trying to come to terms that my dead sister is back from the dead."

"YA I know I was gone and a few things have changed." I rolled my eyes and put the plate I. The sink,I was about to walk by him when he grabbed my wrist,he world me around and stared down at me,I forgotten how short I was to him.

"You don't know anything that happened I don't know who told you that a few things happened but you have no idea what happened to Gotham or dad. He went crazy after you dead he became more violent and turned to drinking.

Damian has been missing since last Christmas,and Gotham has gone to hell in a hand basket,do you missing a lot is a understatement." He let my wrist go and walked out the room.

Okay note to self no more dying

I walked into the living room and there was Mom drinking a glass of red wine and reading a book,I sat next to her and rested my head on her shoulder.

"I thought coming home would be easier than. This."

"No dear that's way they say dying is easy living is the hard part. In do time everything will work it's self."

"How. My this isn't the first time I "died" ."

"It will take some getting used to."She hugged me.

The next day

"Are you sure you want to be here so soon,you just got back from the dead,this city is what got you killed Lindy." Danny warned

We somewhat made up he would still be a little new to him,but he knew that I would need him.

"The longer I wait the worst to city gets. And Dad." I sighed. We were sitting in his car parked outside the Manor it looked the same just a little older.

I opened the door to the car and walked to the front doors,Danny had a set of keys so we went in. The manor had warm feeling I missed I walked around.

It smelled of Chocolate chip cookies,I walked into the kitchen and there was Tim and Courtney,then we're making cookies,they were laughing and threwing flour at each other,than Stephanie walked in and kissed Tim.

what fresh hell is this!?!!
Play song now

I felt like my world had just came crashing,the room was closing in on me.

"GOOD HEAVENS!" I looked to see Alfred at the other doorway,he dropped the tray,the three in the kitchen turned to see me.

"Mom?" The blonde little maybe 7 year old looked at me.

I saw how shocked Tim and Stephanie looked,I turned around and ran out the house,I did t even hear Danny yelling my name the only thing I knew was that I didn't want to be here anymore.

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