Chapter 12

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{Kara POV}

We came back from the mall and we opened our room door a bucket of ice water fell on my head.

"WHAT THE!!!!!!!!!--

"This is why you need to train with Batman." Lindy chuckled.

I walked to the living room to find Connor holding to pans of whip cream,I gave death glare and he threw them towards Lindy she let out a cry and they hit him in the face.

I laughed and  he grumbled.

Dick had a super soaker and she jumped over him and he sprayed us .


Sorry,we heard laughing then a water balloon fell on Dick's head and we laughed super hard(That sounded wrong)

We all turned to a unpranked Lindy.

"Your next we." said.

She ran and we smirked and ran after her.

{Lindy POV}

I had my suit underneath and luckily I saw that the second national bank was being robbed.

I pealed off the clothes above and put my mask on,this was the first time I would being going out since I was kidnapped.

I wrote a note for them when the figure out the door isn't locked.

I opened a window and grappled through out Metropolis.

{Connor POV}

I stopped banging on the door and saw that it was unlocked so I entered and found the note.

"That wesley ."Dick smirked.

"Come let's go." Kara grumbled.

{Blue Siren POV}

I landed on a roof across the street from the bank,I opened my hologram watch and saw there was seven goons total.

Easy I thought.

I landed in the southeast hallway were seven guy charged me.

As I walked down the hall I took the out using only half of my staff and a few kicks and punches,and walked to the main room.

I grappled to gargoyle and watched them take hundreds of dollars I jumped down and started taking out the twelve in the room.

I walked to the vault where Livewire was bossy around here men.

"I want to get out of here before Super brat or someone shows."

"To little to late". I saw threw a bat r rang at her and taking down the four men in the room with her.

"And you are ?"she said shoot volts of electricity at me.

"Names Blue Siren ."I charged her but I was hit I took cover.

"Oh that's the best you got.Fired bird hot off the grill."

I threw smoke and I moved through out the shadows.

"You know you are always putting your nosies where they don't belong" she tsked.

I threw another bat r range and she ducked.

"You suck at throwing." she  walking over to me.

"Oh,I was aiming for that". I pointed to the fire system that went off and she was under a sprinkler.

"AHHhhhhhhh!!" she fell to the ground and I cuffed her.

"let's go sparky."

I handed her over to the police and I saw Nightwing,Super Boy and Supergirl walk to me.

"Nice job but you are still getting prank." Nightwing said I went with them to get it over with.

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now