Chapter 23

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{Lindy POV}

It had been three days and still not a word from Batman or any of the others,I walked down to the cave where Alfred was sitting at the Bat-computer typing away.

Alfred have they ever been gone this long I asked.

No not if it's a mission in the city,I can't track any of them,he sighs.

That's it I am suiting up and going to look for them I said starting to grab my suit.

I can't let you go alone Miss Lindy if something happened to you I would never forgive myself.

Will I can't stay here while their in trouble I say grabbing my belt and mask.

You need someone to help you.

Well I could ask Young Justice.

They are on a mission at the moment same with your brother I'm afraid.

Will then I know someone I say.

10 minutes later

Is their a reason you called at midnight I was trying to sleep Elena said grumpy.

Well everyone has been missing for three days and even Oracle can't track them.

So why do you need me she asked.

Because Alfred won't let me go out unless some else goes with me.

Fine she said.

Hey Guys I was able to hack Batman's tracker the are at the old Asylum,Oracle says from the computer.

Thanks we are on our way.

We suit up and take the Bat-plane which can seat five.

Can either of you fly that Alfred calls out.

Nope we both said.

He sighs before he climbs in a starts flying it.

Woohoooo Elena yells.

Take a chili pill I say.

Please Miss Kyle I need to concentrate.

Fine she says.

Alfred stops right above the front entrance and we drop down and enter.

Nice place I say,it is completely black and the building has started to decay from poor maintenance.

Be very careful you don't know what could happen Oracle says.

We start walking to the east since that's where I found a signal.

This way I say.

We walk into a room and their is Red Hood he is chain to a chair,his helmet is gone but his mask isn't.He is not moving.

RED HOOD I yelled.

Ran to him and unchained him.



He is gaged Catgirl said removing it.

You Okay she asks.

I don't know he says.

Hood your shaking I say.

I saw. it.

What we ask.

Your worst fears.

ScareCrow we both say.

Catgirl you get him out of here.

No!!! No I'm okay just shaken up I can help.

Robin should be next door,I nod and walk to the next room,Robin is strapped down to a bed,his masked eyes are wide and he looks like he has been drugged.

Robin ROBIN!!!!! 

He doesn't move at all.

I untied him.

And sit him on the ground.

Damian I whisper.

As soon asI said his name he attack me and started taking in Arabic.

من أنتmin 'ant(Who are you.)

Robin it's me Blue Siren!!!!

أنت لا تنتمي هنا'ant la tan tami huna(You do not belong here.)

Whatever they did must have made him think he is in the league again I thought.

He started to choke me.

Robin please!!!! in the league!!! I'm your sister I'm trying to help you.

He grip tightened.

It's me Lindy,so everything started to spin.I didn't want to do this.

I slapped him as hard as I could.

Owwww he said.

Siren!!!!! he let me go and I could breath again.

I'm...I'm so...

It's fine Robin you weren't in your right state of mind,he helped me up and we walked into the halls where Red Hood was waiting with Cat-girl.

Finally she said I thought I would have to come get you.

Any who we still need to find Nightwing,Batman,Black Bat and Red Robin.

Can't we leave Red Robin here Robin asked.

No I say.

Red Hood you and Catgirl go to the east end of the Asylum me and Robin well keep looking this way.

We slipt up.


{Red Hood POV}

We ended up in the old operation wing and their was Batgirl hanging from the ceiling.


I fired a gunshot and the rope around her broke and she fell I caught her.

Are you okay I ask and she nodded.

Cat girl can you track anyone else.

Dead end will have to take a right she said.

{Robin POV}

I hadn't said anything to Blue Siren since the attack,we walked in silence.

Siren I am sorry.

Robin it's really okay you didn't mean to.

Did you hear that I said.

We both looked to our right but their was only a wall.

We kept checking and found out it was a false wall.

We kicked it down and there were at least 30 men in here.

Let's have some fun she said.

We took the goons out and there was Nightwing he was stuck in a glass of water and it rising.

Blue Siren screamed and it broke and he fell out and onto the ground.

Are you okay I asked him.

He was coughing up water,ya thanks.

Come on there still more I said.

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now