Chapter 50

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*Little side note your gonna to find something out Lindy well a few things and Barbara is Batgirl again."

{Lindy POV}

I walked around Arkham trying to find Robin and Nightwing but it was no use.

There not here.

I started radioing everyone.

"Red Robin"




"Red Hood"




"There all gone my dear and soon you will be to."

I ran out of Arkham and raced through out the streets.

What has he done to them.

I raced to the clock tower,I grappled to the top and turned on the cameras around Gotham.


I wonder.

I hacked into the Bat-cave security system,and there the all were and then the horror.Joker had cut their faces off and put them on trays of ice,Batman was the one with his face still there.

"This ends tonight!" I grabbed my mask and jacket and raced to the cave.

I got to the cave and there was Joker talking Batman's ear to be truthful,I looked around and I saw everyone else.

I jumped down from hiding in a opening the cave,and the smell hit me.Gasoline.

Joker was going to blow this place up and all of them with it.

One thing he didn't count on was me.

"Hahah is that you bird girl."

Or maybe he did?

"Oh goody another guest,come out bird girl it's not polite to listen to others conversations."

"Like you know a dam thing about manners!"

I leaped to another hidden hole above them.

"I think I know more than you little girl.Hahahaha."

"Well guess what Joker.This little girl is about to kick your ass!" I jumped down from where I was,and I kicked him in the gut,punched him in the face.

"That wasn't very nice."

I had punched his face off.

That's just gross.

"Well Bats you got a real spit fire here,or was that your mother sorry I missed the funeral."


'As I told Red Bird here earlier language."

I attack him,I kicked him where no man want's to be kick,sucker punched him and slid kick him.

"Your finished Joker."

"Went to free Batman.

"No don't get to high.Now listen closely."

I grappled to the ceiling and waited for Batman's signal.

Joker returned and wasn't to happy.

"Where is she!?!"

"I have no clue what your talking about." Batman said.

"Your lying she's still here,lurking in the shadows.See Bats this is what I mean you've gone soft with this "family",but I can help toughen you up."

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now