Chapter 8

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{Aiden POV}

I was practicing my acrobatic skills but I was really bored.


Yes Aiden she didn't look up from the computer

I bored let's do something.

First it's I'm bored let's do something,second I have to finish these files for Bruce or he will have my head.

Fine I jumped down from the bar and walked over to her.

Can I help I asked.

Uhh.....Please Babs.

Okay here I need you to put this dates in order then circle any dates that have a shipment under Peguin's name,she handed me stack of files.

I sat on the ground and started putting the events in order,but then a gus of wind moved our papers.

Really Barry Barbara yelled.

Sorry he said taking his mask off and walked over.

Hey your Aiden right.

Yay why I said grabbing a paper with Peguin's signaure.

Well I'm your uncle Barry,I looked at Barbara Yup she said.

Cool my uncles the Flash.Yup he said.

Wait for it Barbara said entering a few dates.

The Zeta Tube went off 

Green Arrow 08

And your other uncle Barry said speeding over to the Green Arrow.

See Barry he can enter like a normal person Barbara said.

Salty are we Barbara The Green Arrow said taking his mask off.

Oliver Queen!!!!!!



Okay where is that date,Barbara said.

Give me a sec Barry said looking around the room.

I stood up can tried a spell.

srepap s'arabraB eniF, Barbara's paper went to her hand.

They all looked at me.

I though only Zatanna could do that Barry said.

She showed me the basics and she said so how I have the power to use magic.

Cool they all said.

{Lindy POV}

GIVE ME MY PHONE!!!!!!!!!!! 

Dick and Tim were tossing it up in the air.

No this is your punshiment they said.

Give me my phone or else I said.

Or else what they said smirking,Jason and Damian were in the room and they know what I was about to do they ran for the hills.

I let out a Canary Cry and I broke a few lamps,the T.v., and a china cabnet.

Take it take it Dick handed it over and tried to cover his ears.

Thank you I walked out of the room and they looked speechless.

I walked into my room and sat on my bed.

I looked around my room.

You look bored a female voice said.

I turned around and their was Cat woman.

I was about to scream but she held her hands up.

Hey I am not a threat,I'm a friend of the family she said walking over to me.

Okay how can I trust you I said.

She took off her mask,I'm Selina Kyle.

Okay Selina I'm Lindy I was still nervous.

I know who you are so what's the probably doll face.

I wish I had a friend.

Your brothers,she said.

A girl I said.

Well your in luck I would like you to me someone.

Lindy meet Elena Kyle.

Hi the girl said.

She had dark brown hair,green eyes and looked a little like me.

Wow we look alike I said.

We she is your half sister.

What I said.

Sister what's wrong....KYLE

Look Damian I am not here for trouble I just wanted to talk to Bruce.

He should be in his office,but I am watching you Cat.

Selina and Damian left and I was standing in my room with Elena.

So what to sit do I asked her.

Sure we sat down and we talked,someone knocked on my door and it was Jason and Tim.

Who's this Jason said smirking I laughed and Elena sighed.

This is Elena my half-sister I said.

What they both said.

Okay so Bruce has had kids with everyone Jason said laughing.

Really I said.

No Tim said slapping Jason in the head.Don't listen to that idiot Damian said walking in.

So we are related Damian asked Elena.

Yes I'm Selina and Bruce's daughter she answered looking at him.

I have another sister Aiden said,well you have four brothers why not I said.

Yayy he said sarcastically.

Get over it ,Elena will be staying with us for a few months Bruce said entering the room.

What no I stay will my mother she said.

Your mother has something to attend to and she doesn't want her 15 year old daughter alone in a apartment in the worst part of town.

Fine she said.

Wow you and Damian are related,I said laughing they gave bat-glares.

Black Siren(A Bat family fanfiction) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now