Chapter 67

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{Nyssa POV}

"Miss the body is ready."

"Thank you Katana." I rose from my chair in my sleeping cambers and walked down the hall to the great room where the last pit in the world was.

My father forgot about his temple in South America but he dead years ago and Talia is most likely trying to steal Damian from Bruce,Talia is never this quiet so this will be interesting to see what she will do next.

"On your mark Miss." My head guard spoke.

I took a deep breath then nodded.The lowered the chains,I kept my eyes on the sheet on the small metal platform.

This has to work,if Talia did then I can do this too

The stopped once the only platform was submerged.

"Is is working ?" I looked to the boy beside me. Noah I had taken in who was set to be Slade's new apprentice but after what happened with the first Robin I vowed I wouldn't let another child have to indoor that again.

The pit began to bubble and friz,soon it stopped and Lindy rose slowing.

"Lindy ?"

"ARRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She scream destroying all the windows,glass in the room and mostly in the halls too.

I ran over to her I took a red clock and wrapped her in it.I and Noah helped her out the pit.

"Lindy can you hear me ?"

She started to shake."Wher-e am I ?" She sobbed.

Jason never acted like this when he returned.

I turned to the teen boy who was just as lost."Take her to a room and have clothes brought to her and food."

He nodded.He helped her up and held her close and took her out the room.

"Nyssa Bruce is aware of his daughter's grave lacking a body."One of my scouts came forth.

"It is your call Miss Raatko." Ms Yamashiro,spoke.

I walked out the room,I was now at two large gold doors,Noah was outside the doors.

"You have done will my "son" you may return to your chambers." We both boed then he vanished.

I walked into the room.

"You should eat."

{Lindy POV}

The last think I heard was the two gunshots go off,then the sound of me crashing into the coffee table.

I have bits and pieces of the night I was shot.I remember everyone so sad,but the one thing that I wanted to know was how Evelyn was alive again.

I then remember seeing my family for a few short seconds before I died.Death was a like sleeping only your body is being broken down,your in a box in most cases that's six feet under ground and you will never see your loved ones again,and they'll mostly be sad or depressed about your now leave of absence.

And that's how it was for two years I think,then the next think I know I'm in the pain then it stops,I'm in water ?

I swim up and see I'm in the pit,the only thing I can think of is to scream,so I probably break ever window in a mile radius.

I was cold,so cold then I felt warmth.I saw Nyssa and a boy I've never seen or I think would exist in a place like this.

"Lindy can you here me ?" Nysaa spoke with deeply concern being the only feeling in her voice.

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